时间: 2023-09-08 10:03:27 浏览: 108
这段代码什么意思 include '' c c 3D Orthotropic Elasticity with Hashin 3d Failure criterion c c The state variables are stored as: c state(*,1) = material point status c state(*,2:7) = damping stresses c c User defined material properties are stored as c * First line: c props(1) --> Young's modulus in 1-direction, E1 c props(2) --> Young's modulus in 2-direction, E2 c props(3) --> Young's modulus in 3-direction, E3 c props(4) --> Poisson's ratio, nu12 c props(5) --> Poisson's ratio, nu13 c props(6) --> Poisson's ratio, nu23 c props(7) --> Shear modulus, G12 c props(8) --> Shear modulus, G13 c c * Second line: c props(9) --> Shear modulus, G23 c props(10) --> beta damping parameter c props(11) --> "not used" c props(12) --> "not used" c props(13) --> "not used" c props(14) --> "not used" c props(15) --> "not used" c props(16) --> "not used" c c * Third line: c props(17) --> Ultimate tens stress in 1-direction, sigu1t c props(18) --> Ultimate comp stress in 1-direction, sigu1c c props(19) --> Ultimate tens stress in 2-direction, sigu2t c props(20) --> Ultimate comp stress in 2-direction, sigu2c c props(21) --> Ultimate tens stress in 2-direction, sigu3t c props(22) --> Ultimate comp stress in 2-direction, sigu3c c props(23) --> "not used" c props(24) --> "not used" c c * Fourth line: c props(25) --> Ultimate shear stress, sigu12 c props(26) --> Ultimate shear stress, sigu13 c props(27) --> Ultimate shear stress, sigu23 c props(28) --> "not used" c props(29) --> "not used" c props(30) --> "not used" c props(31) --> "not used" c props(32) --> "not used"
这段代码定义了一个三维正交各向异性弹性体,并采用Hashin 3d破坏准则,其中包含了一些状态变量和用户定义的材料属性。其中,状态变量存储在state数组中,第一列为材料点状态,第2到7列为阻尼应力。用户定义的材料属性存储在props数组中,其中第一行包括了E1、E2、E3、nu12、nu13、nu23、G12、G13等8个杨氏模量和泊松比等参数;第二行只包含了beta阻尼参数;第三行包含了1、2、3方向的极限拉伸和压缩应力,分别为sigu1t、sigu1c、sigu2t、sigu2c、sigu3t、sigu3c;第四行包含了剪切方向的极限剪切应力,分别为sigu12、sigu13、sigu23。其中,一些注释的内容表示该参数当前未使用。
const activeIndex=Vue.ref(0); // console.log(activeIndex.valuea); function toggleActive(index){ if(activeIndex.value===index){ activeIndex.value=null; }else{ activeIndex.value=index; console.log(activeIndex); console.log(activeIndex.value); } const lis =document.querySelectorAll(".clearfix li") for(let i=0;i<lis.length; i++){ if(i!==index){ lis[i].classList.remove("noww"); } } }和<li v-for="(option,index) in conto" v-bind:key="index" :class="{'noww':activeIndex === index}" @click="toggleActive(index)" >{{option.category_title}} </li>和<div class="cont" v-show="activeIndex === 0" > <ul> <li v-for="option2 in cont" v-bind:key="option2" :class="parseInt(option2.stock) ===1?'olik':''" > <a :href="option2.source" target="_blank"> <div class="contimg" > <img :src="option2.bigpic" alt="{{option2.title}}"> </div> <div class="context"> <span> <img :src="option2.smallpic" alt="">{{option2.subtitle}}</span> <h4><span>{{option2.title}}</span></h4> <p>{{option2.summary}} </p> </div> </a> <!-- <div class="difficulty"> <div class="difficultbox"> <div class="modulus"> <div class="tit">难度系数</div> <div class="starsbox"> <div class="starsimg"><img src="../images/starsolik.png"></div> </div> </div> <div class="honor"> <div class="tts xuefen"><img src="../images/olikdegree.png"></div> <div class="tts certificate"><img src="../images/olikdegree2.png"></div> </div> </div> </div> --> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="cont" v-show="activeIndex.value === 1" > <ul> <li v-for="option2 in cont2" v-bind:key="option2" :class="parseInt(option2.stock) ===1?'olik':''" > <a :href="option2.source" target="_blank"> <div class="contimg" > <img :src="option2.bigpic" alt="{{option2.title}}"> </div> <div class="context"> <span> <img :src="option2.smallpic" alt="">{{option2.subtitle}}</span> <h4><span>{{option2.title}}</span></h4> <p>{{option2.summary}} </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div>实现tab切换
<li v-for="(option, index) in conto" :key="index" :class="{'noww': activeIndex === index}" @click="toggleActive(index)">
{{ option.category_title }}
<div class="cont" v-show="activeIndex === 0">
<li v-for="option2 in cont" :key="option2" :class="parseInt(option2.stock) === 1 ? 'olik' : ''">
<a :href="option2.source" target="_blank">
<div class="contimg">
<img :src="option2.bigpic" alt="{{option2.title}}">
<div class="context">
<img :src="option2.smallpic" alt="">{{option2.subtitle}}
<div class="cont" v-show="activeIndex === 1">
<li v-for="option2 in cont2" :key="option2" :class="parseInt(option2.stock) === 1 ? 'olik' : ''">
<a :href="option2.source" target="_blank">
<div class="contimg">
<img :src="option2.bigpic" alt="{{option2.title}}">
<div class="context">
<img :src="option2.smallpic" alt="">{{option2.subtitle}}
import { ref } from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
const activeIndex = ref(0);
function toggleActive(index) {
if (activeIndex.value === index) {
activeIndex.value = null;
} else {
activeIndex.value = index;
return {
在上述代码中,使用了Vue的Composition API(setup函数)来定义activeIndex的响应式变量和toggleActive函数。activeIndex用于控制显示哪个内容,toggleActive用于切换活动索引的值。