时间: 2023-11-22 18:54:47 浏览: 69
class Model:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
class Box:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
class Packer:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.used_width = 0
self.used_height = 0
self.boxes = []
def pack(self, models):
models.sort(key=lambda m: max(m.width, m.height), reverse=True)
for model in models:
box = self.find_box(model.width, model.height)
if box is None:
box.model = model
self.used_width = max(self.used_width, box.x + box.width)
self.used_height = max(self.used_height, box.y + box.height)
def find_box(self, width, height):
for box in self.boxes:
if box.x + width <= self.width and box.y + height <= self.height:
ok = True
for other in self.boxes:
if other != box and intersect(box, width, height, other):
ok = False
if ok:
new_box = Box(width, height)
new_box.x = box.x + box.width
new_box.y = box.y
return new_box
if self.used_width + width <= self.width and self.used_height + height <= self.height:
new_box = Box(width, height)
new_box.x = self.used_width
new_box.y = self.used_height
return new_box
return None
def intersect(box, width, height, other):
return (box.x + width > other.x and box.y + height > other.y and
box.x < other.x + other.width and box.y < other.y + other.height)
# example usage
models = [Model(10, 20), Model(30, 20), Model(10, 30), Model(20, 10)]
packer = Packer(100, 100)
for box in packer.boxes:
print(box.model.width, box.model.height, box.x, box.y)
这个实现中,Box 表示一个已经放入的模型,Packer 表示装箱器。每个模型按照最大边长排序,然后依次放入箱子中。如果当前没有可用的箱子,则在右上角新建一个箱子。对于每个模型,从左到右、从上到下地扫描已有的箱子,找到第一个可以放下该模型的箱子,并且该箱子与其它所有箱子不相交。如果找不到这样的箱子,则新建一个箱子。最后输出每个箱子中的模型位置和大小。