解释下面这段代码 Circ: { easeIn: function(t,b,c,d){ return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t/=d)*t) - 1) + b; }, easeOut: function(t,b,c,d){ return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t=t/d-1)*t) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t,b,c,d){ if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return -c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t*t) - 1) + b; return c/2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t-=2)*t) + 1) + b; } },
时间: 2024-01-24 09:03:58 浏览: 89
这段代码定义了一个名为 Circ 的 JavaScript 对象字面量,其中包含三个缓动函数:easeIn、easeOut 和 easeInOut。这些函数使用了圆形函数来实现缓动效果,可以产生一些非常流畅的动画效果。
具体而言,easeIn 函数使用了圆形函数 Math.sqrt(),以实现从起始值 b 开始缓动的效果。如果当前时间 t 等于 0,则返回起始值 b,否则计算缓动值 -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t/d)*t) - 1) + b,其中 c 是变化量,d 是持续时间。
easeOut 函数也使用了圆形函数 Math.sqrt(),以实现从结束值 b+c 结束的缓动效果。如果当前时间 t 等于持续时间 d,则返回起始值 b+c,否则计算缓动值 c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t=t/d-1)*t) + b。
easeInOut 函数同样使用了圆形函数 Math.sqrt(),以实现从起始值 b 开始,到结束值 b+c 结束的平滑缓动效果。如果当前时间 t 小于持续时间的一半,则使用圆形函数实现渐进加速的缓动效果;否则使用圆形函数实现缓动结束后的渐进减速效果。
Prove the validity of the following expressions: (**a**) $A\circ B$ is a subset (subimage) of $A$. (**b**) If $C$ is a subset of $D$, the $C\circ B$ is a subset of $D\circ B$. (**c**) $(A\circ B)\circ B = A\circ B$.
(**a**) To prove that $A\circ B$ is a subset of $A$, we need to show that every element in $A\circ B$ is also in $A$.
Let $x\in A\circ B$. Then, by definition of composition, there exists $y\in B$ such that $(x,y)\in A$. Since $A$ is a relation from $X$ to $Y$, $x\in X$ and $(x,y)\in A$ implies that $x\in A$. Therefore, $A\circ B\subseteq A$, and (**a**) is proved.
(**b**) To prove that $C\circ B$ is a subset of $D\circ B$, we need to show that every element in $C\circ B$ is also in $D\circ B$.
Let $(x,z)\in C\circ B$. Then, by definition of composition, there exists $y\in B$ such that $(x,y)\in C$ and $(y,z)\in B$. Since $C$ is a subset of $D$, $(x,y)\in C$ implies that $(x,y)\in D$, and therefore $(x,z)\in D\circ B$. Therefore, $C\circ B\subseteq D\circ B$, and (**b**) is proved.
(**c**) To prove that $(A\circ B)\circ B = A\circ B$, we need to show that every element in $(A\circ B)\circ B$ is also in $A\circ B$, and vice versa.
Let $(x,z)\in (A\circ B)\circ B$. Then, by definition of composition, there exists $y\in B$ such that $(x,y)\in A\circ B$ and $(y,z)\in B$. Since $(x,y)\in A\circ B$, there exists $w\in B$ such that $(x,w)\in A$ and $(w,y)\in B$. Then, by transitivity of relations, $(x,z)\in A\circ B$.
Conversely, let $(x,z)\in A\circ B$. Then, there exists $y\in B$ such that $(x,y)\in A$ and $(y,z)\in B$. Since $(x,y)\in A$, we have $(x,z)\in (A\circ B)\circ B$.
Therefore, we have shown that $(A\circ B)\circ B = A\circ B$, and (**c**) is proved.
float Regression_Ext_Temp(uint16_t tmpAD) { float Vtemp,Rtemp,temp; if(tmpAD<=72) { return -274; } Vtemp = (tmpAD*3300.0)/4096; Rtemp = Vtemp/(3300.0 - Vtemp)*10000.0; temp = (1/(log(Rtemp/10000.0)/3950.0 + (1/(273.15 + 25)))) - 273.15 + 0.5; return temp; } float Regression_MCU_Temp(uint16_t mcu_temp_AD) { float mcu_temp_result; mcu_temp_result=(float)(55+(100*((float)(mcu_temp_AD) - AD_CAL1))/(AD_CAL2 - AD_CAL1)); return mcu_temp_result; }这两段把Ad值转换为实际温度用的是什么公式
1. Regression_Ext_Temp函数:这个函数用来将外部温度传感器的AD值转换为实际温度。其转换公式为:
2. Regression_MCU_Temp函数:这个函数用来将MCU内部温度传感器的AD值转换为实际温度。其转换公式为:
其中,$T_1=25^\circ C$和$T_2=125^\circ C$为两个参考温度,$AD_1$和$AD_2$为对应的AD值,都是在参考温度下测量的。根据线性关系,可以推导出上述公式。