jdk1.8 ConcurrentHashMap介绍
时间: 2023-11-01 16:51:32 浏览: 129
在JDK 1.8中,ConcurrentHashMap是一种并发的、线程安全的哈希表数据结构。它采用了数组、链表和红黑树的组合来存储数据。与HashMap相比,ConcurrentHashMap提供了更好的并发性能。
ConcurrentHashMap在首次使用时初始化,内部维护了一个transient volatile Node<K,V>[]数组作为存储结构。这个数组中的每个元素都是一个链表或红黑树的头节点,用来解决哈希冲突。
总结来说,JDK 1.8的ConcurrentHashMap是一种并发的、线程安全的哈希表数据结构,采用了数组、链表和红黑树的组合来存储数据。它通过分段锁(Segment)实现线程安全,并提供了更好的并发性能。但要注意键和值都不能为null。
jdk1.8 concurrenthashmap
ConcurrentHashMap is a thread-safe implementation of Map interface that allows concurrent access to the map from multiple threads without any data inconsistency or race condition. It was introduced in Java 5 and has been improved in Java 6 and Java 7.
Some of the key features of ConcurrentHashMap are:
- It is highly concurrent and supports high throughput.
- It allows multiple threads to read and write the map concurrently without any blocking.
- It provides better performance than Hashtable and synchronizedMap.
- It supports high concurrency level with a tunable concurrency level that can be set during initialization.
- It provides various methods for bulk operations such as putAll, clear, and replaceAll.
- It supports atomic operations such as putIfAbsent, remove, and replace.
In JDK 1.8, ConcurrentHashMap has been further improved with the addition of new methods and enhancements such as:
- forEach() method: This method allows you to iterate over the key-value pairs in the map and perform an action on each of them.
- compute() and computeIfAbsent() methods: These methods allow you to update the value of an existing key or add a new key-value pair to the map with a computed value.
- merge() method: This method allows you to merge the values of two keys in the map using a specified function.
- Improved scalability: The internal data structure and algorithms of ConcurrentHashMap have been improved to support better scalability and reduce contention among threads.
Overall, ConcurrentHashMap is a highly efficient and scalable implementation of Map interface that is well-suited for concurrent applications with high throughput and low contention.
### JDK 1.7 和 JDK 1.8 中 ConcurrentHashMap 的区别
#### 数据结构变化
在 JDK 1.7 版本中,`ConcurrentHashMap` 使用分段锁定机制来提高并发性能。整个哈希表被分割成多个独立的部分(Segment),每个 Segment 类似于一个小型的 HashMap,并且有自己独立的锁。这使得不同部分可以并行访问而不会相互阻塞。
而在 JDK 1.8 及之后版本里,为了进一步提升性能和减少内存占用,引入了一种新的设计——基于 CAS (Compare And Swap) 操作以及链表转红黑树优化策略。当桶内元素数量超过一定阈值时会自动转换为红黑树形式存储键值对,从而提高了查找速度[^4]。
#### 锁粒度调整
// JDK 1.7 示例代码片段
public V get(Object key) {
int hash = hash(key);
Segment<K,V> s = segmentFor(hash); // 获取对应的segment对象
return s.get(key, hash); // 调用segment内部方法获取value
// JDK 1.8 示例代码片段
final V doGet(Object key, int hash) {
Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> e, p;
int n, eh; K ek;
if ((tab = table) != null && (n = tab.length) > 0 &&
(e = tab[(n - 1) & hash]) != null) { ... }
#### 性能改进
随着新架构的应用,JDK 1.8 下 `ConcurrentHashMap` 表现出更好的扩展性和更低延迟特性。特别是在多核处理器环境中运行大型应用程序时优势明显,测试结果显示其吞吐量远高于旧版实现。