python报错ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (10,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (10,10)
时间: 2024-04-18 15:31:47 浏览: 303
上述代码报错ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (1,2) doesn't match the broadcast shape (0,2)
这个错误通常是由于两个数组的形状不兼容导致的。你需要检查一下你的数组的形状是否正确。具体地,(1, 2) 的形状表示一个二维的数组,其中有1行和2列,而(0, 2) 的形状表示一个空的二维数组,其中有0行和2列。这两个形状是不兼容的,因为它们的行数不同。
你需要先确保你的数组的形状是正确的,并且在进行任何操作之前,需要进行形状的检查。如果你需要将一个数组广播到另一个数组的形状,你可以使用 NumPy 的广播功能。例如,如果你想将一个形状为(1, 2)的数组广播到一个形状为(3, 2)的数组,你可以使用以下代码:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1, 2]])
b = np.zeros((3, 2))
b += a
这将会把数组 a 广播到形状为(3, 2)的数组 b 中。注意,这里我们使用了 += 操作符,这是因为它会自动进行广播。如果你想使用其他的操作符,例如乘法,你需要显式地使用 NumPy 的广播功能。
ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (1640,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (1640,4)
This error occurs when you are trying to perform a mathematical operation that cannot be broadcasted to the output shape. In this case, the output operand has shape (1640,1) but the broadcast shape is (1640,4).
To fix this error, you can reshape the output operand to match the broadcast shape using the numpy.reshape() function. For example:
import numpy as np
# create a matrix with shape (1640, 4)
a = np.ones((1640, 4))
# create an output operand with shape (1640, 1)
b = np.ones((1640, 1))
# reshape the output operand to match the broadcast shape
b = b.reshape(1640, 4)
# perform the mathematical operation
c = a + b
In this example, we reshape the output operand `b` to have shape (1640, 4) using the `reshape()` function. Now, we can perform the mathematical operation without getting the ValueError.