def modify_count(s): upper_count = 0 lower_count = 0 for c in s: if c.isupper(): upper_count += 1 else: lower_count += 1 return min(upper_count, lower_count) s = input("字符串:") print("number", modify_count(s))将这串python代码改成C++语言
时间: 2024-02-29 16:52:34 浏览: 90
以下是修改后的 C++ 代码:
using namespace std;
int modify_count(string s) {
int upper_count = 0;
int lower_count = 0;
for (char c : s) {
if (isupper(c)) {
} else {
return min(upper_count, lower_count);
int main() {
string s;
cout << "字符串:";
cin >> s;
cout << "number " << modify_count(s) << endl;
return 0;
scale_strategy_id = await ScaleStrategy.create(region_id=get_region_id(), scale_strategy_type='min-max', min_desktops_count=2, max_desktops_count=3, min_available_desktops_count=1, max_available_desktops_count=1, scale_step=1) try: await ScaleStrategy.modify(scale_strategy_id=scale_strategy_id, scale_strategy_name='fvt-test', max_available_desktops_count=3, scale_step=3, min_desktops_count=1) scale_strategys = await ScaleStrategy.all(scale_strategy_name='fvt-test') scale = None for scale_strategy in scale_strategys: if scale_strategy.scale_strategy_id == scale_strategy_id: scale = scale_strategy break assert scale is not None validate_obj( scale, { 'scale_strategy_id': scale_strategy_id, 'scale_strategy_name': 'fvt-test', 'scale_strategy_type': 'min-max', 'min_desktops_count': 1, 'max_desktops_count': 3, 'min_available_desktops_count': 1, 'max_available_desktops_count': 3, 'scale_step': 3 } ) finally: await ScaleStrategy.delete(scale_strategy_id=scale_strategy_id)
这段代码看起来像是一个 Python 异步函数,其中使用了异步库的关键字 `await` 和 `async`。该函数创建了一个名为 `scale_strategy_id` 的变量,并将其赋值为调用 `ScaleStrategy.create()` 方法的结果。该方法的参数包括 `region_id`、`scale_strategy_type`、`min_desktops_count`、`max_desktops_count`、`min_available_desktops_count`、`max_available_desktops_count` 和 `scale_step`。接下来,该函数使用 `try`/`finally` 语句块包装了一些代码。在 `try` 语句块内部,函数调用了 `ScaleStrategy.modify()` 方法,并传入了一些参数,包括 `scale_strategy_id`、`scale_strategy_name`、`max_available_desktops_count` 和 `scale_step`。然后,函数使用 `await` 关键字调用了 `ScaleStrategy.all()` 方法,以获取名为 `fvt-test` 的所有比例策略。接下来,函数使用一个循环遍历返回的列表,并找到了与 `scale_strategy_id` 相匹配的比例策略对象。最后,函数使用 `assert` 语句验证了 `scale` 变量不为空,并且包含了特定的属性值。在 `finally` 语句块内部,函数调用了 `ScaleStrategy.delete()` 方法,以删除该比例策略对象。
class Person: def __init__(self, last_name, first_name, gender, birthday): self.last_name = last_name self.first_name = first_name self.gender = gender self.birthday = birthday class Student(Person): def __init__(self, last_name, first_name, gender, birthday, student_id, major): super().__init__(last_name, first_name, gender, birthday) self.student_id = student_id self.major = major self.selected_courses = {} def select_course(self, course): self.selected_courses = course def modify_course(self, course_id): del self.selected_courses[course_id] def f2(): print('''If you want to get the information of selected courses, choose number 1. If you want to modify selected courses, choose number 2.''') choice1 = input('Please make your choice:') student_id = input('Please input your student_id:') student = basic_class.Student('', '', '', '', student_id, '') if choice1 == '1': course_id1 = input('Please input the course_id you want to query:') basic_class.Student.get_information(student, course_id1) if choice1 == '2': choice11 = input('Choose your following operation(1.add;2.delete):') course_id2 = input('Please input the course_id you want to query:') if choice11 == '1': basic_class.Student.select_course(student, course_id2) if choice11 == '2': basic_class.Student.modify_course(student, course_id2) 找出这段代码的错误并修正
1. 在调用方法时,应该使用对象调用方法,而不是类名调用方法。
2. 在子类 `Student` 中,没有定义 `get_information` 方法。
3. 在调用 `modify_course` 方法时,应该传递课程编号 `course_id2`,而不是学生对象 `student`。
class Person:
def __init__(self, last_name, first_name, gender, birthday):
self.last_name = last_name
self.first_name = first_name
self.gender = gender
self.birthday = birthday
class Student(Person):
def __init__(self, last_name, first_name, gender, birthday, student_id, major):
super().__init__(last_name, first_name, gender, birthday)
self.student_id = student_id
self.major = major
self.selected_courses = {}
def select_course(self, course):
self.selected_courses[course.course_id] = course
def modify_course(self, course_id):
del self.selected_courses[course_id]
def get_information(self, course_id):
if course_id in self.selected_courses:
print(f"Course ID:{course_id}, Course Name:{self.selected_courses[course_id].name}, Course Credit:{self.selected_courses[course_id].credit}")
print("The selected course does not exist.")
class Course:
def __init__(self, course_id, name, credit):
self.course_id = course_id = name = credit
def f2():
print('''If you want to get the information of selected courses, choose number 1. If you want to modify selected courses, choose number 2.''')
choice1 = input('Please make your choice:')
student_id = input('Please input your student_id:')
student = Student('', '', '', '', student_id, '')
if choice1 == '1':
course_id1 = input('Please input the course_id you want to query:')
if choice1 == '2':
choice11 = input('Choose your following operation(1.add;2.delete):')
course_id2 = input('Please input the course_id you want to query:')
if choice11 == '1':
course_name = input('Please input the course name:')
course_credit = input('Please input the course credit:')
course = Course(course_id2, course_name, course_credit)
if choice11 == '2':