
时间: 2023-08-01 19:06:32 浏览: 48
以下是NSGA-II算法的MATLAB代码示例: ```matlab % NSGA-II Algorithm % f: Objective function array (each row represents an individual) % nPop: Population size % nVar: Number of decision variables (objective function parameters) % nObj: Number of objective functions % lb: Lower bound of decision variables % ub: Upper bound of decision variables % MaxIt: Maximum number of iterations % pc: Crossover probability % nc: Number of offsprings produced by crossover % pm: Mutation probability % nm: Number of offsprings produced by mutation function [X, F] = nsga2(f, nPop, nVar, nObj, lb, ub, MaxIt, pc, nc, pm, nm) % Parameters p = 1; % Initial generation mu = nPop; % Parent population size lambda = nPop; % Offspring population size pc = pc; % Crossover probability nc = nc; % Number of offsprings produced by crossover pm = pm; % Mutation probability nm = nm; % Number of offsprings produced by mutation % Initialization X = lhsdesign(nPop, nVar, 'criterion', 'maximin', 'iterations', 100)'; X = repmat(lb, 1, nPop) + repmat((ub-lb), 1, nPop).*X; F = evaluate(f, X); [F, R] = non_dominated_sorting(F); F1 = F{1}; Q = binary_tournament_selection(mu, R); % Main Loop while p <= MaxIt % Generate Offsprings Y = []; for i = 1:nc p1 = Q(randi([1, mu], 1)); p2 = Q(randi([1, mu], 1)); [y1, y2] = crossover(X(:, p1), X(:, p2), lb, ub, pc); Y = [Y, y1, y2]; end for i = 1:nm p = Q(randi([1, mu], 1)); y = mutation(X(:, p), lb, ub, pm); Y = [Y, y]; end % Combine Parent and Offspring Populations X = [X, Y]; F = evaluate(f, X); % Non-dominated Sorting [F, R] = non_dominated_sorting(F); F1 = F{1}; % Truncation if length(F1) >= nPop X = X(:, R{1}(1:nPop)); F = F{1}(1:nPop, :); break end % Parent Selection Q = binary_tournament_selection(mu, R); % Increase Generation Count p = p + 1; end end % Non-dominated Sorting function [F, R] = non_dominated_sorting(F) nObj = size(F, 2); nPop = size(F, 1); S = cell(nPop, 1); n = zeros(nPop, 1); F1 = []; for i = 1:nPop S{i} = []; n(i) = 0; for j = 1:nPop if i ~= j flag = 0; for k = 1:nObj if F(i, k) > F(j, k) flag = 1; break end end if flag == 0 S{i} = [S{i}, j]; elseif flag == 1 n(i) = n(i) + 1; end end end if n(i) == 0 F1 = [F1; F(i, :)]; end end F = {}; R = {}; F{1} = F1; i = 1; while ~isempty(F{i}) Q = []; for j = 1:size(F{i}, 1) p = find(all(bsxfun(@eq, F{i}(j, :), F), 2)); for k = 1:length(S{p}) n(S{p}(k)) = n(S{p}(k)) - 1; if n(S{p}(k)) == 0 Q = [Q, S{p}(k)]; end end end i = i + 1; F{i} = F(Q, :); R{i} = Q; end end % Binary Tournament Selection function Q = binary_tournament_selection(mu, R) nPop = length(R{1}); Q = zeros(1, mu); for i = 1:mu p1 = randi([1, nPop], 1); p2 = randi([1, nPop], 1); if length(R{p1}) < length(R{p2}) Q(i) = R{p1}(randi([1, length(R{p1})], 1)); elseif length(R{p1}) > length(R{p2}) Q(i) = R{p2}(randi([1, length(R{p2})], 1)); else if rand < 0.5 Q(i) = R{p1}(randi([1, length(R{p1})], 1)); else Q(i) = R{p2}(randi([1, length(R{p2})], 1)); end end end end % Evaluate Objective Functions function F = evaluate(f, X) nPop = size(X, 2); nObj = size(f(X(:, 1)), 2); F = zeros(nPop, nObj); for i = 1:nPop F(i, :) = f(X(:, i))'; end end % Crossover function [y1, y2] = crossover(x1, x2, lb, ub, pc) nVar = length(x1); y1 = x1; y2 = x2; if rand < pc j = randi([1, nVar-1], 1); for i = j:nVar y1(i) = x2(i); y2(i) = x1(i); end end y1 = bound(y1, lb, ub); y2 = bound(y2, lb, ub); end % Mutation function y = mutation(x, lb, ub, pm) nVar = length(x); y = x; for i = 1:nVar if rand < pm y(i) = lb(i) + (ub(i)-lb(i))*rand(1); end end y = bound(y, lb, ub); end % Bound function y = bound(x, lb, ub) y = max(x, lb'); y = min(y, ub'); end ``` 这是一个基本的NSGA-II算法实现,你可以根据自己的需求进行修改和扩展。








FT-Prog-v3.12.38.643-FTD USB 工作模式设定及eprom读写

FT_Prog_v3.12.38.643--FTD USB 工作模式设定及eprom读写






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2. 通过python绘制y=e-xsin(2πx)图像

可以使用matplotlib库来绘制这个函数的图像。以下是一段示例代码: ```python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def func(x): return np.exp(-x) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * x) x = np.linspace(0, 5, 500) y = func(x) plt.plot(x, y) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('y = e^{-x} sin(2πx)') plt.show() ``` 运行这段

JSBSim Reference Manual



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