for i in range(len(u_vals)):是什么意思
时间: 2024-05-25 10:13:34 浏览: 114
这是Python中的for循环语句,其中range(len(u_vals))会生成一个整数序列,其范围是从0到len(u_vals)-1。for循环将对该序列中的每个数字进行迭代,并执行循环体中的代码块。在循环体中,可以使用i访问当前迭代的整数值。因此,for i in range(len(u_vals))的含义是对u_vals列表中的每个元素进行迭代,并使用i来访问当前迭代的元素的索引。
for i in range(len(u_vals)):
This is a Python code snippet that creates a for loop that will iterate through a range of values that is determined by the length of a list or array called "u_vals".
The loop will execute the code within it once for each value in the range, with the value being assigned to the variable "i" for each iteration.
For example, if "u_vals" has a length of 5, the loop will iterate 5 times, with "i" taking on the values 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 on each iteration.
for i in range(len(theta0_vals)):是什么意思
这是一个Python中的for循环语句,用于迭代一个序列,其中`range(len(theta0_vals))`返回一个由0到`len(theta0_vals)-1`的整数构成的序列,`i`依次取这个序列中的每个整数。因此,这个for循环会执行`len(theta0_vals)`次,每次迭代`i`的值会依次取到0, 1, 2, ..., `len(theta0_vals)-1`。