phase = exp(1i*k*(r.*sin(theta)-focal_length*(1-cos(theta))));这一段是什么意思
时间: 2024-01-04 15:02:32 浏览: 190
- `exp` 表示计算自然指数的幂函数,这里的输入是一个虚数单位 `1i` 乘以 `k*(r.*sin(theta)-focal_length*(1-cos(theta)))`,即指数部分。
- `1i` 表示虚数单位,即 $\sqrt{-1}$。
- `k` 表示波数,是一个常数。
- `r` 表示到声源的距离,是一个标量或者一个数组。
- `theta` 表示到声源的方位角,是一个标量或者一个数组。
- `focal_length` 表示聚焦距离,是一个常数。
整个 `k*(r.*sin(theta)-focal_length*(1-cos(theta)))` 是相位的指数部分,表示声波在传播过程中的相位变化。
分析代码:template <typename Float> Float fresnel_conductor(Float cos_theta_i, dr::Complex<Float> eta) { // Modified from "Optics" by K.D. Moeller, University Science Books, 1988 修改自K.D.Moeller的“光学”,大学科学书籍,1988年 Float cos_theta_i_2 = cos_theta_i * cos_theta_i, sin_theta_i_2 = 1.f - cos_theta_i_2, sin_theta_i_4 = sin_theta_i_2 * sin_theta_i_2; auto eta_r = dr::real(eta), eta_i = dr::imag(eta); Float temp_1 = eta_r * eta_r - eta_i * eta_i - sin_theta_i_2, a_2_pb_2 = dr::safe_sqrt(temp_1*temp_1 + 4.f * eta_i * eta_i * eta_r * eta_r), a = dr::safe_sqrt(.5f * (a_2_pb_2 + temp_1)); Float term_1 = a_2_pb_2 + cos_theta_i_2, term_2 = 2.f * cos_theta_i * a; Float r_s = (term_1 - term_2) / (term_1 + term_2); Float term_3 = a_2_pb_2 * cos_theta_i_2 + sin_theta_i_4, term_4 = term_2 * sin_theta_i_2; Float r_p = r_s * (term_3 - term_4) / (term_3 + term_4); return 0.5f * (r_s + r_p); }
该代码实现了用于计算导体表面反射率的 Fresnel 公式。输入参数为入射角度的余弦值和一个复数 eta,代表导体的折射率和消光系数。该函数首先计算出一些中间变量,如 sin_theta_i_2,sin_theta_i_4,eta_r 和 eta_i。然后,根据 Fresnel 公式计算出反射系数 r_s 和 r_p,并返回它们的平均值。其中,r_s 和 r_p 分别代表 s-极性和 p-极性反射系数,平均值的计算方法是将它们相加并除以 2。最后,这个函数返回的就是导体表面的反射率。
F=zeros(length(z),1); for i=1:length(z) Phi=@(theta,R,r)(z(i)+lc-lm).*r.R.(R-r.sin(theta))./... ((R.^2+r.^2-2R.*r.*sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2+r.^2+(z(i)+lc-lm).^2-2R.*r.*sin(theta)))+... (z(i)-lc+lm).*r.R.(R-r.sin(theta))./... ((R.^2+r.^2-2R.*r.*sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2+r.^2+(z(i)-lc+lm).^2-2R.*r.*sin(theta)))+... (z(i)+lc+lm).*r.R.(R-r.sin(theta))./... ((R.^2+r.^2-2R.*r.*sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2+r.^2+(z(i)+lc+lm).^2-2R.*r.*sin(theta)))+... (z(i)-lc-lm).*r.R.(R-r.sin(theta))./... ((R.^2+r.^2-2R.r.sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2+r.^2+(z(i)-lc-lm).^2-2R.r.sin(theta))); F(i)=BrNI/(4lc(Rc-rc))integral3(Phi,0,2pi,rc,Rc,rm,Rm); end
Sure! Here's your code with comments added:
F = zeros(length(z), 1); % Initialize the F vector with zeros
for i = 1:length(z)
% Define the Phi function using anonymous function
Phi = @(theta, R, r) (z(i) + lc - lm) .* r.R .(R - r.sin(theta)) ./ ...
((R.^2 + r.^2 - 2*R.*r.*sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2 + r.^2 + (z(i) + lc - lm).^2 - 2*R.*r.*sin(theta))) + ...
(z(i) - lc + lm) .* r.R .(R - r.sin(theta)) ./ ...
((R.^2 + r.^2 - 2*R.*r.*sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2 + r.^2 + (z(i) - lc + lm).^2 - 2*R.*r.*sin(theta))) + ...
(z(i) + lc + lm) .* r.R .(R - r.sin(theta)) ./ ...
((R.^2 + r.^2 - 2*R.*r.*sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2 + r.^2 + (z(i) + lc + lm).^2 - 2*R.*r.*sin(theta))) + ...
(z(i) - lc - lm) .* r.R .(R - r.sin(theta)) ./ ...
((R.^2 + r.^2 - 2*R.*r.sin(theta)).sqrt(R.^2 + r.^2 + (z(i) - lc - lm).^2 - 2*R.*r.sin(theta)));
% Calculate the value of F(i) using the integral3 function
F(i) = BrNI / (4 * lc * (Rc - rc)) * integral3(Phi, 0, 2*pi, rc, Rc, rm, Rm);
This code calculates the values of the vector `F` using a loop. The `Phi` function is defined as an anonymous function that takes `theta`, `R`, and `r` as input parameters. It performs a series of calculations and returns a value. The integral of `Phi` is then calculated using the `integral3` function. The result is stored in the corresponding element of the `F` vector.
Please note that I have made some assumptions about the variables and functions used in your code since I don't have the complete context. Feel free to modify or clarify anything as needed.