时间: 2023-08-04 22:30:19 浏览: 92
以下是一个比较复杂的Verilog testbench示例,用于测试一个简单的16位ALU模块,该模块包括加、减、与、或等操作。
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module alu_tb;
// Inputs
reg [15:0] a, b;
reg [3:0] op;
// Outputs
wire [15:0] result;
// Instantiate the DUT
alu dut(.a(a), .b(b), .op(op), .result(result));
// Clock
reg clk = 0;
// Run the clock
#5 clk = ~clk;
// Test cases
initial begin
// Add operation
op = 4'b0000;
a = 16'h1234;
b = 16'h5678;
if(result !== 16'h68AC) $display("Test case 1 failed");
// Subtract operation
op = 4'b0001;
a = 16'h5678;
b = 16'h1234;
if(result !== 16'h4444) $display("Test case 2 failed");
// And operation
op = 4'b0010;
a = 16'hAAAA;
b = 16'h5555;
if(result !== 16'h0000) $display("Test case 3 failed");
// Or operation
op = 4'b0011;
a = 16'hAAAA;
b = 16'h5555;
if(result !== 16'hFFFF) $display("Test case 4 failed");
// Xor operation
op = 4'b0100;
a = 16'hAAAA;
b = 16'h5555;
if(result !== 16'hAAAA) $display("Test case 5 failed");
// Shift left operation
op = 4'b0101;
a = 16'h1234;
b = 5;
if(result !== 16'h2468) $display("Test case 6 failed");
// Shift right operation
op = 4'b0110;
a = 16'h1234;
b = 5;
if(result !== 16'h0489) $display("Test case 7 failed");
// Arithmetic shift right operation
op = 4'b0111;
a = 16'h8000;
b = 1;
if(result !== 16'hC000) $display("Test case 8 failed");
// Rotate left operation
op = 4'b1000;
a = 16'h1234;
b = 4;
if(result !== 16'h2341) $display("Test case 9 failed");
// Rotate right operation
op = 4'b1001;
a = 16'h1234;
b = 4;
if(result !== 16'h4123) $display("Test case 10 failed");
// Overflow test
op = 4'b0000;
a = 16'h7FFF;
b = 16'h0001;
if(result !== 16'h8000) $display("Test case 11 failed");
$display("All test cases passed");