what's the book <excellent sheep> about
时间: 2024-06-06 09:06:55 浏览: 78
"Excellent Sheep" is a book by William Deresiewicz that explores the culture of elite colleges and universities in the United States, particularly the Ivy League, and the impact it has on students. The book argues that these institutions prioritize academic achievement and career success at the expense of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and personal growth. Deresiewicz argues that students are pressured to conform to a narrow definition of success and that this ultimately leads to a lack of fulfillment and purpose. The book also offers suggestions for how universities and students can shift their priorities to promote a more meaningful and fulfilling college experience.
//折半查找 #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define MAXSIZE 10000 #define KEYSIZE 10//关键词个数 #define OK 0 #define ERROR -1 typedef string KeyType; typedef struct { KeyType key;//关键字域 int count;//词频 int index;//在关键词列表中的序号 }ElemType; typedef struct { ElemType *R;//存储空间基地址 int length;//当前长度 }SSTable; //关键词列表 KeyType key[KEYSIZE] = {"little","prince","sheep","flowers","believe","stars","one","my","he","the"}; //初始化一个空的查找表ST //ST的0号单元闲置不用 int InitSSTable(SSTable &ST) { /*-----------代码开始--------------*/ /*-----------代码结束--------------*/ return OK; }
what's the meaning of pasture
Pasture is a piece of land used for grazing animals, especially for grazing livestock such as cows, sheep, and horses. It is a grassy area that is used for feeding and maintaining the animals.