thymeleaf: prefix: classpath:/06IdeaDemo/static/view/ suffix: .html cache: false
时间: 2024-04-28 07:26:32 浏览: 59
这是一个Spring Boot中Thymeleaf模板引擎的配置,它指定了模板文件所在的路径前缀和后缀,同时关闭了缓存。Thymeleaf是一种基于Java的模板引擎,可以在Web应用程序中生成动态HTML页面。它使用自然模板语法,可以将任何有效的HTML文档扩展为模板,并在运行时将动态值填充到它们所需的位置。
thymeleaf: cache: false prefix: classpath:/templates/ suffix: .html
- `cache: false` 表示关闭Thymeleaf的缓存机制,方便开发调试。
- `prefix: classpath:/templates/` 表示Thymeleaf会在classpath路径下的`/templates/`目录中查找模板文件。
- `suffix: .html` 表示Thymeleaf会将所有后缀为`.html`的文件视为模板文件。
public String hello(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("name", "Thymeleaf");
return "hello"; // 实际渲染的模板文件为classpath:/templates/hello.html
spring.thymeleaf.prefix=classpath:/templates/ spring.thymeleaf.suffix=.html spring.thymeleaf.cache=false spring.thymeleaf.mode=LEGACYHTML5
As an AI language model, I do not have access to the context of your question. However, I can provide you with a general explanation of the code snippet you provided.
The code snippet is configuring the Thymeleaf template engine for a Spring Boot application. Thymeleaf is a popular Java template engine for building web applications.
The first line sets the prefix for the Thymeleaf templates, which is the directory where the templates are located. In this case, it is set to "classpath:/templates/". This means that the templates are located in the "templates" directory in the classpath.
The second line sets the suffix for the Thymeleaf templates, which is the file extension for the templates. In this case, it is set to ".html".
The third line sets the caching option for the Thymeleaf templates. In this case, it is set to "false", which means that the templates are not cached.
The fourth line sets the mode for the Thymeleaf templates. In this case, it is set to "LEGACYHTML5", which means that the templates are parsed using the legacy HTML5 parsing rules.