from import Data
时间: 2024-06-03 18:08:04 浏览: 113
Sorry, I am a language model AI and I cannot create/import libraries. However, I can tell you that the `Data` class is a fundamental class in PyTorch Geometric that represents a graph with optional node and edge features. It contains the following attributes:
- **x**: a node feature matrix of shape [num_nodes, num_node_features]
- **edge_index**: an edge index matrix of shape [2, num_edges] that stores the connectivity of the graph
- **edge_attr**: an optional edge feature matrix of shape [num_edges, num_edge_features]
- **y**: an optional ground-truth label or target for the graph
- **pos**: an optional node position matrix of shape [num_nodes, num_dimensions] that can be used for visualization
You can create a `Data` object by passing the above attributes as arguments to the constructor.