viz = visdom.Visdom(env=DATASET + " " + MODEL) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
时间: 2024-01-28 15:05:53 浏览: 151
This error occurs when the value of the DATASET or MODEL variable is None. The visdom.Visdom() function expects a string value for the env argument, but it cannot concatenate a string with a None value.
To fix this error, check the value of the DATASET and MODEL variables and make sure they are assigned a string value. If either of them is None, assign a string value to them before passing them to the visdom.Visdom() function.
解释代码: if visualize: viz = visdom.Visdom()
1. `if visualize:`: 这个条件语句用于判断是否需要进行可视化。如果 `visualize` 变量为 `True`,则执行以下代码块。
2. `viz = visdom.Visdom()`: 这里创建了一个 `Visdom` 对象,该对象用于可视化工具的操作。`Visdom` 是一个用于创建交互式可视化的工具库,可以在浏览器中实时展示图表、图像等。
通过使用 `Visdom` 对象,你可以在训练过程中实时地可视化模型的损失、准确率或其他指标,以便更好地理解模型的训练过程和效果。
需要注意的是,为了使用 `Visdom` 库,你需要先安装它。你可以通过运行 `pip install visdom` 来安装它。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[31], line 8 6 print('sample:',x.shape,y.shape) 7 if __name__ == '__main__': ----> 8 main() Cell In[31], line 5, in main() 2 viz= visdom.Visdom() 4 db = Pokemon('pokemon',224,'train') #因为在当前文件夹下只需要文件名 ----> 5 x,y = next(iter(db)) 6 print('sample:',x.shape,y.shape) Cell In[30], line 87, in Pokemon.__getitem__(self, idx) 76 img, label = self.images[idx], self.labels[idx] 77 tf = transforms.Compose([ 78 lambda'RGB'), #string path=>image data 79 transforms.Resize((self.resize,self.resize)), (...) 85 """ 86 ]) ---> 87 img = tf(img) 88 label = torch.tensor(label) 89 return img,label File D:\Anaconda\envs\gpu_pytorch\lib\site-packages\torchvision\transforms\, in Compose.__call__(self, img) 93 def __call__(self, img): 94 for t in self.transforms: ---> 95 img = t(img) 96 return img TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
from PIL import Image
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
tf = transforms.Compose([
lambda x: x.convert('RGB'),
transforms.Resize((self.resize, self.resize)),
# 其他转换操作
img = tf(img)