时间: 2023-09-02 07:12:09 浏览: 93
The `tf.compat.v1.train.RMSPropOptimizer` is a type of optimization algorithm used in TensorFlow 1.x for training machine learning models. It is an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm that scales the learning rate according to the average of the squared gradients.
The RMSPropOptimizer uses the following update rule for each parameter:
s = decay_rate * s + (1 - decay_rate) * gradient^2
param = param - learning_rate * gradient / (sqrt(s) + epsilon)
where `s` is a moving average of the squared gradient, `decay_rate` is a hyperparameter that controls the exponential decay rate of the moving average, `learning_rate` is the learning rate, `gradient` is the gradient with respect to the parameter, and `epsilon` is a small constant added for numerical stability.
The RMSPropOptimizer is similar to the Adagrad optimizer, but with the addition of an exponential decay factor for the squared gradient. This helps to prevent the learning rate from decreasing too quickly, which can lead to slow convergence or getting stuck in local minima.
Note that the `tf.compat.v1.train.RMSPropOptimizer` is deprecated in TensorFlow 2.x in favor of the `tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop` optimizer.