时间: 2023-05-16 14:01:47 浏览: 267
1. 导包
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
2. 计算每个元素的等级
def compute_rank(x):
Compute the rank for each element in x.
x : array-like
Input array.
r : ndarray
An array of length x, holding the rank of each element.
n = len(x)
r = np.empty(n)
for i, xi in enumerate(x):
smaller = 0
equal = 0
for j, xj in enumerate(x):
if xi < xj:
smaller += 1
elif xi == xj:
equal += 1
r[i] = smaller + (0.5 * equal) + 1
return r
3. 计算S值和Z值
计算S值和Z值是mann-kendall趋势检验的核心部分。S值表示样本中所有对(x[i], x[j]),其中i < j且x[i] < x[j]的符号函数(即如果x[j]比x[i]大,符号将是+1,否则为-1)的总和。Z值表示S值的标准化版本,为S值除以其标准误差。当Z值的绝对值大于一个阈值,例如1.96,就可以拒绝零假设,即该序列中不存在趋势性。计算S值和Z值的代码如下:
def mann_kendall(x, alpha=0.05):
Compute the Mann-Kendall test for trend in x.
x : array-like
Input array.
alpha : float, optional
The significance level of the test. Default is 0.05.
trend : str
The trend of the data. Can be "increasing", "decreasing", or "no trend".
h : bool
True if the null hypothesis is rejected, False otherwise.
p : float
The two-sided p-value of the test.
z : float
The standardized test statistic.
tau : float
The Kendall rank correlation coefficient.
slope : float
The slope of the linear regression line.
intercept : float
The intercept of the linear regression line.
n = len(x)
r = compute_rank(x)
s = np.sign(np.subtract.outer(x, x)).sum() # Calculate S
tau = s / (n * (n - 1)) / 2 # Calculate Kendall's tau
var_s = n * (n - 1) * (2 * n + 5) / 18 # Calculate the variance of S
if s > 0:
z = (s - 1) / np.sqrt(var_s) # Calculate Z
elif s < 0:
z = (s + 1) / np.sqrt(var_s) # Calculate Z
z = 0 # S is zero, so Z is zero as well
p = 2 * norm.sf(abs(z)) # Calculate the two-sided p-value
h = abs(z) > norm.ppf(1 - (alpha / 2)) # Test the null hypothesis
if tau < 0:
trend = "decreasing"
elif tau > 0:
trend = "increasing"
trend = "no trend"
slope, intercept, _, _, _ = linregress(np.arange(n), x) # Calculate slope and intercept
return trend, h, p, z, tau, slope, intercept