时间: 2023-07-10 18:16:40 浏览: 116
%% A* and DWA Hybrid Path Planning Algorithm
% Define the map
map = zeros(20,20);
map(1,:) = 1;
map(end,:) = 1;
map(:,1) = 1;
map(:,end) = 1;
map(6:15,6:15) = 1;
% Define the start and goal positions
start_pos = [2,2];
goal_pos = [18,18];
% Define the vehicle parameters
max_speed = 1;
max_turn_rate = pi/4;
max_accel = 1;
max_turn_accel = pi/2;
% Define the cost function weights
w1 = 1;
w2 = 1;
w3 = 1;
% Define the A* search parameters
heuristic_type = 'euclidean';
search_type = 'A*';
% Compute the path using A* algorithm
path = A_star_search(map, start_pos, goal_pos, heuristic_type, search_type);
% Compute the motion model parameters
motion_params = compute_motion_params(max_speed, max_turn_rate, max_accel, max_turn_accel);
% Compute the trajectory using DWA algorithm
trajectory = DWA_path_planning(map, start_pos, goal_pos, motion_params, w1, w2, w3);
% Plot the results
hold on;
plot_path(map, path, 'b');
plot_trajectory(map, trajectory, 'r');
plot(start_pos(2), start_pos(1), 'go', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(goal_pos(2), goal_pos(1), 'rx', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 2);
axis equal;