char *p = "program"; cout<<*p+++1; 为什么输出结果为113
时间: 2024-04-28 10:24:10 浏览: 55
这是因为 C++ 中的运算符优先级,++运算符的优先级比解引用运算符*的优先级高,因此先执行*p,然后执行++运算符,将指针p向后移动一位,指向字母'r'。然后将'r'的ASCII码值(114)加1,输出结果为113('s'的ASCII码值)。需要注意的是这段代码的行为是未定义的,因为它试图修改一个指向常量字符串的指针。
With the following statement, write a program to output the value of each pointer variable and the value of pointer variable + 1. Submit the output of the program, instead of the program you wrote. For example, cout << (int *)pChar <<"\t" << (int *)(pChar+1) << endl; or printf("%p\t%p\n", pChar, pChar+1); char ch; int size; double price; int arr[5]; char *pChar = &ch; int *pInt = &size; double *pDbl = &price; int (*pArr)[5] = &arr;
I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to run programs and output their results. However, I can explain how to obtain the values of each pointer variable and the value of pointer variable + 1.
To obtain the value of a pointer variable, you can simply print out the value of the pointer using the dereference operator (*) before the pointer variable name. For example, to obtain the value of pChar, you can use:
cout << *pChar << endl;
To obtain the value of pointer variable + 1, you can simply add 1 to the pointer variable and print out its value. For example, to obtain the value of pChar + 1, you can use:
cout << *(pChar + 1) << endl;
Similarly, you can obtain the values of the other pointer variables in the program.
函数C++ 将每个学生的考试成绩转换为4级制,标准如下: 等级分数段 A B C 100-90分89-80分79-60分60分以下要求:实现成绩制的转换。提示: (1)本程序中循环结构一律使用for语句实现; (2)本程序中选择结构一律使用switch-case语句实现; (3)使用已定义的变量,不再另外定义。 #include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(void) int num,gread,ij,n,m; char x; m=10; cin> >gread; /**********Program**********/ /********** End **********/ cout<<x<<endl; system("pause"); 请选择程序语言
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num, grade, i, j, n, m;
char x;
m = 10;
cin >> grade;
// 进行成绩转换
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
n = 90; x = 'A'; break;
case 1:
n = 80; x = 'B'; break;
case 2:
n = 60; x = 'C'; break;
case 3:
n = 0; x = 'D'; break;
if (grade >= n) {
cout << x << endl;
return 0;