报红Inspection info:This check scans through your code and libraries and looks at the APIs being used, and checks this against the set of permissions required to access those APIs. If the code using those APIs is called at runtime, then the program will crash.怎么办
时间: 2024-01-27 08:03:49 浏览: 185
解决方法是在AndroidManifest.xml文件中添加相应的权限声明。可以在报红的地方右键,选择"Add Permission",或者手动添加权限声明。例如:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
For each patient, the HN dataset provides CT and PET scans and Gross Tumor V olume (GTV) mask, preprocessed according to the pipeline in Fig. 1. Several clinical variables are included, in particular the Locoregional Recurrence (LR) within the follow-up period (median: 43 months; range: 6-112 months), and T-stage at diagnosis. Data are gathered from four different hospitals, each one representing a single cohort. No- tably, each hospital has its own image acquisition equipment and acquisition settings, which is a cause of heterogeneity in image characteristics, in particular resolution of the PET images. Moreover, The HN dataset is highly unbalanced for the LR prognosis, with 15.8% of recurrence (Table I). 解释
这段话是在描述Head-Neck-PET-CT(HN)数据集1中提供的数据。对于每个患者,该数据集提供了经过预处理的CT和PET扫描以及Gross Tumor Volume(GTV)掩模,预处理的管线如图1所示。数据集中还包括几个临床变量,特别是随访期内(中位数为43个月,范围为6-112个月)的局部复发(LR)和诊断时的T分期。数据收集自四个不同的医院,每个医院代表一个单独的队列。值得注意的是,每个医院都有自己的图像采集设备和采集设置,这是图像特征异质性的原因,特别是PET图像的分辨率。此外,HN数据集在LR预后方面高度不平衡,复发率为15.8%(表I)。
DIC: Reduce the Number of Scans中文解释介绍
DIC: Reduce the Number of Scans是一种用于频繁模式挖掘的算法。DIC算法的主要思想是通过将事务数据库按照事务ID进行排序,从而减少扫描事务数据库的次数。这种方法可以有效地降低算法的时间复杂度,提高算法的效率。