编写并调试一个模拟的进程调度程序,采用 “先来先服务”调度算法对多个进程进行调度。计算平均周转时间和平均带权周转时间。
时间: 2023-07-31 18:06:17 浏览: 103
class Process:
def __init__(self, pid, arrival_time, cpu_burst_time):
self.pid = pid
self.arrival_time = arrival_time
self.cpu_burst_time = cpu_burst_time
self.waiting_time = 0
self.turnaround_time = 0
self.completion_time = 0
self.normalized_turnaround_time = 0
def __repr__(self):
return f'Process(pid={self.pid}, arrival_time={self.arrival_time}, cpu_burst_time={self.cpu_burst_time})'
def fcfs(processes):
# sort processes by arrival time
processes = sorted(processes, key=lambda x: x.arrival_time)
time = 0
completed_processes = []
waiting_time = 0
turnaround_time = 0
for process in processes:
# update completion time
process.completion_time = time + process.cpu_burst_time
# update waiting time and turnaround time
process.waiting_time = time - process.arrival_time
process.turnaround_time = process.waiting_time + process.cpu_burst_time
waiting_time += process.waiting_time
turnaround_time += process.turnaround_time
# update time
time = process.completion_time
# calculate average waiting time and average turnaround time
avg_waiting_time = waiting_time / len(processes)
avg_turnaround_time = turnaround_time / len(processes)
# calculate normalized turnaround time
for process in completed_processes:
process.normalized_turnaround_time = process.turnaround_time / process.cpu_burst_time
return completed_processes, avg_waiting_time, avg_turnaround_time
# example usage
processes = [
Process(1, 0, 6),
Process(2, 2, 4),
Process(3, 4, 1),
Process(4, 5, 5),
Process(5, 6, 2)
completed_processes, avg_waiting_time, avg_turnaround_time = fcfs(processes)
for process in completed_processes:
print(f'Average waiting time: {avg_waiting_time}')
print(f'Average turnaround time: {avg_turnaround_time}')
在这个例子中,我们定义了一个 `Process` 类来表示进程,并且实现了一个 `fcfs` 函数来模拟先来先服务调度算法。函数接受一个进程列表作为输入,返回已完成的进程列表、平均等待时间和平均周转时间。
我们使用 `sorted` 函数按照进程到达时间对进程进行排序,然后按照顺序依次执行进程。在执行每个进程时,我们更新等待时间、周转时间和完成时间,并更新时间戳以便于执行下一个进程。最后,我们计算平均等待时间和平均周转时间,并将它们返回。