vue-quill-editor getSelection
时间: 2023-10-27 15:33:00 浏览: 70
As an AI language model, I don't have access to the current implementation details of the `vue-quill-editor` package. However, in general, the `getSelection` method can be used to retrieve the currently selected text or content within an editor or input field. It may return a range or an object containing information about the selected content, such as the start and end positions, the text content, and the formatting. The exact implementation and usage of the `getSelection` method may vary depending on the specific editor or package being used.
vue vue-quill-editor怎么实现图片拉伸放大缩小
可以通过自定义 Quill 的 toolbar 实现图片的拉伸、放大和缩小。
首先,你需要在 `vue-quill-editor` 的配置中添加一个自定义的 toolbar。例如:
<div v-if="editorOption.toolbar">
<span class="ql-formats">
<select class="ql-size">
<option value="small"></option>
<option selected></option>
<option value="large"></option>
<option value="huge"></option>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-stretch"></button>
<button class="ql-zoom-in"></button>
<button class="ql-zoom-out"></button>
<span class="ql-formats">
<button class="ql-image"></button>
然后,在 `mounted()` 钩子函数中获取 Quill 实例,并添加自定义的 toolbar 按钮的逻辑。例如:
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const quill = this.$refs.myQuillEditor.quill
const stretchButton = quill.getModule('toolbar').container.querySelector('.ql-stretch')
const zoomInButton = quill.getModule('toolbar').container.querySelector('.ql-zoom-in')
const zoomOutButton = quill.getModule('toolbar').container.querySelector('.ql-zoom-out')
stretchButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// todo: 进行图片拉伸的逻辑
zoomInButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// todo: 进行图片放大的逻辑
zoomOutButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// todo: 进行图片缩小的逻辑
其中,`quill.getModule('toolbar').container` 获取到的是 Quill 的 toolbar 容器,可以通过 `querySelector()` 方法获取到自定义按钮的 DOM 元素并添加事件监听器。
接下来,你需要实现图片拉伸、放大和缩小的逻辑。可以通过 Quill 的 Delta API 获取到当前选中的图片,并对其属性进行修改。例如:
stretchButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
const range = quill.getSelection()
if (!range) return
const [image] = quill.getSemanticHTML(range.index, range.length).match(/<img.*?>/g)
if (image) {
quill.updateContents(new Delta().retain(range.index).delete(range.length).insert({ image: { ...Quill.Attributor.AttributeList.fromHTML(image), width: '200px', height: 'auto' } }))
上面的代码中,首先获取到当前选中的图片(即 `<img>` 标签),然后通过 Quill 的 `updateContents()` 方法修改图片的属性,例如将其宽度设置为 200px,高度设置为自适应。
zoomInButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
const range = quill.getSelection()
if (!range) return
const [image] = quill.getSemanticHTML(range.index, range.length).match(/<img.*?>/g)
if (image) {
const attr = Quill.Attributor.AttributeList.fromHTML(image)
const width = parseInt(attr.width.replace('px', ''))
const height = parseInt(attr.height.replace('px', ''))
quill.updateContents(new Delta().retain(range.index).delete(range.length).insert({ image: { ...attr, width: `${width + 10}px`, height: `${height + 10}px` } }))
zoomOutButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
const range = quill.getSelection()
if (!range) return
const [image] = quill.getSemanticHTML(range.index, range.length).match(/<img.*?>/g)
if (image) {
const attr = Quill.Attributor.AttributeList.fromHTML(image)
const width = parseInt(attr.width.replace('px', ''))
const height = parseInt(attr.height.replace('px', ''))
if (width > 10 && height > 10) {
quill.updateContents(new Delta().retain(range.index).delete(range.length).insert({ image: { ...attr, width: `${width - 10}px`, height: `${height - 10}px` } }))
上面的代码中,首先获取到当前选中的图片的宽度和高度,然后将其分别增加或减少 10px。需要注意的是,当图片的宽度或高度小于等于 10px 时,不能再继续缩小了。