详细介绍下spark 的deploy-mode
时间: 2023-06-01 21:06:38 浏览: 172
1. client:这是默认的deploy-mode,它会将Driver程序运行在提交节点上,而Executor运行在集群上。
2. cluster:Driver程序也会运行在集群上,由于Driver程序运行在集群上,因此需要将程序打成jar包进行提交,而不是直接运行spark-submit命令。
3. standalone:这个deploy-mode是将Spark集成到本地的资源管理器中,只支持在Spark自己的集群上运行。
4. yarn:是将Spark集成到Yarn中,可以利用Hadoop的Yarn资源管理器来管理资源。
5. mesos:这是一个开源的分布式资源管理器,支持对集群的资源进行统一管理,需要在Spark集群和Mesos集群之间进行通信。
介绍下spark 的deploy-mode
Spark的deploy-mode有两种,一种是client,另一种是cluster。Client模式是指启动Spark的进程在客户端。这种模式适合于测试和开发。Cluster模式是将Spark运行在集群环境中,适合于生产部署。在Cluster模式下,Spark Driver会运行在一个独立的进程中,负责处理应用程序的逻辑,Worker在集群中运行,负责数据的读写和处理。
spark-sql --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster
As an AI language model, I don't have access to your cluster or environment. However, I can explain the meaning of this command.
This command is used to run Spark SQL on a YARN cluster in distributed mode. YARN is a resource manager in Hadoop that manages resources and schedules tasks. The --master yarn option specifies YARN as the cluster manager, and the --deploy-mode cluster option specifies that the Spark job should be submitted to the cluster in cluster mode, which means that the driver program runs on one of the nodes in the cluster, and the executors run on other nodes.
The spark-sql command is used to run SQL queries on data stored in Spark. It is a Spark application that provides a SQL-like interface to Spark data. When you run this command, Spark SQL will be deployed to the YARN cluster and will run the SQL queries against the data stored in the cluster.