hot_searches = soup.find_all('li', {"class": {"hotsearch-item odd", "hotsearch-item even"}})
时间: 2023-10-05 12:07:56 浏览: 118
这行代码使用了BeautifulSoup库中的find_all方法,用于查找HTML页面中所有class属性为"hotsearch-item odd"或"hotsearch-item even"的li标签。
具体来说,soup是一个BeautifulSoup对象,表示整个HTML页面的解析结果。find_all方法用于查找满足条件的所有标签,返回一个列表。在这个例子中,返回的是所有class属性为"hotsearch-item odd"或"hotsearch-item even"的li标签。
UserWarning: The total space of parameters 27 is smaller than n_iter=100. Running 27 iterations. For exhaustive searches, use GridSearchCV.
这个警告是因为在随机搜索过程中,参数空间的大小小于你设定的迭代次数 `n_iter`,因此随机搜索无法遍历所有可能的参数组合。这种情况下,Scikit-learn会自动减少迭代次数,以确保每个参数组合都至少被尝试一次。
然而,如果你想要更全面地搜索参数空间,可以使用 `GridSearchCV` 进行网格搜索,虽然这样会增加计算时间,但会遍历所有可能的参数组合。
如果你仍然希望使用随机搜索,可以考虑增加 `n_iter` 的值,这样可以增加随机搜索的迭代次数,以尝试更多的参数组合。另外,你也可以尝试缩小参数空间的范围,这样可以在保证搜索全面性的同时减少计算时间。
linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lib
This error message is indicating that the linker (ld) cannot find a library named "-lib". The linker is used to link together object files and libraries to create an executable file.
There could be several reasons why this error is occurring:
1. The library is not installed on the system: If the library is not installed on the system, the linker will not be able to find it. You can check if the library is installed by running the command "ldconfig -p | grep lib". This will show a list of all the libraries installed on the system.
2. The library is not in the linker's search path: The linker searches for libraries in certain directories. If the library is not in one of these directories, the linker will not be able to find it. You can check the linker's search path by running the command "ld --verbose | grep SEARCH_DIR". This will show a list of directories where the linker is searching for libraries.
3. The library is not named correctly: The linker is looking for a library named "-lib". This is not a valid library name. Library names should start with "lib" followed by the name of the library. For example, if the library is named "mylib", the linker should be looking for "" or "libmylib.a".
To fix this error, you will need to determine which of these issues is causing the problem and then take the appropriate action. If the library is not installed, you will need to install it. If the library is not in the linker's search path, you will need to add the directory containing the library to the linker's search path. If the library is not named correctly, you will need to rename it to start with "lib".