We also assessed the computational efficiency of our subsampling method. The computations were carried out using R (R Core Team, 2021) on a desktop computer with 64GB memory. We restricted the calculations to access one CPU core and recorded the average CPU time from ten repetitions. Table 5 reports the results for Case I, where the subsample size is r = 1000. The computational speed of the OSP estimator is much faster than that of the full data estimator. Particularly, the computational burden of the full data method gets heavier as the increase of full data sample size. The computation time of the full data estimator increases in a polynomial order of n which agrees with the theoretical time complexity of O(n2). This full data time complexity is different from linear models (Wang et al., 2019) or logistic regression models (Wang et al., 2018), for which the time complexity is linear in sample size, i.e., O(n). In other words, subsampling is more desirable in Cox’s regression because it reduce the computational cost more significantly. The UNIF estimator is faster to compute than the OSP estimator, because it does not need the step of calculating the sampling probabilities, but it has a lower estimation efficiency as we have seen in previous results

时间: 2023-02-22 18:55:19 浏览: 123
我们还评估了我们的采样方法的计算效率。计算是使用R (R Core Team, 2021)在具有64GB内存的台式电脑上进行的。我们将计算限制为访问一个CPU核心,并记录了十次重复的平均CPU时间。表5报告了Case I的结果,其中子样本大小为r=1000。 OSP估计量的计算速度比全数据估计量快得多。特别是,随着全数据样本大小的增加,全数据方法的计算负担变得更重。全数据估计量的计算时间以n的多项式顺序增加,这符合O(n^2)的理论时间复杂度。这与线性模型(Wang et al., 2019)或逻辑回归模型(Wang et al., 2018)的全数据时间复杂度不同,其全数据时间复杂度是样本大小的线性,即O(n)。换句话说,在Cox回归中,抽样更可取,因为它可以更显着地降低计算成本。 UNIF估计量比OSP估计量计算速度快,因为它不需要计算抽样概率的步骤,但由于我们在以前的结果中看到的低估计效率,因此它的估计效率较低。

Then, the median absolute deviations (MAD) was calculated for each remained feature21. Features with MAD equal to zero were discarded, as these features were considered as non-informative. After this step, 33881 features were left. Next, we further selected features with prognostic value. Here the prognostic performance is assessed using the concordance index (C-index), a generalization of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC)22. The C-index for each feature was calculated. Features with C-index ≥ 0.580 are considered as predictive factors. After prognostic performance analysis, 1581 features remained. Then, we further reduced the data dimension by removing highly correlated features. Here the correlation coefficient between each pair of features is calculated. For feature pair with correlated coefficient ≥0.90, the more prognostic feature is retained and the other feature is removed. Finally, the remained 150 image features are selected and regarded as robust, predictive and nonredundant. 解释


请以On the Criterion of Substantial Similarity of Artistic Works in American Law and the Controversy of Its Infringement Boundary为题用英语写一篇论文

On the Criterion of Substantial Similarity of Artistic Works in American Law and the Controversy of Its Infringement BoundaryAmerican law has long recognized that copyright protects creators from the unauthorized use of their artistic works. The law requires that there be a substantial similarity between the original work and any potential infringing work before the infringing work can be held liable for copyright infringement. In this paper, I will discuss the criteria used to determine substantial similarity in American law, the controversy surrounding its infringement boundary, and the implications of these issues for creators.To determine substantial similarity in American law, courts consider a variety of factors, including the purpose and character of the work, the similarity of the works, and the amount of copying that has taken place. The purpose and character of the work is generally determined by examining the source material, the original expression of ideas, and the similarities between the two works. The similarity of the works is assessed by considering the amount of copying that has occurred, the similarities in the subject matter, and the degree of similarity. Finally, the amount of copying is weighed by considering whether the work's substantial elements were copied, and how much of the work was copied.The controversy surrounding the substantial similarity of artistic works in American law is largely due to the fact that it is difficult to determine where to draw the line between legal and illegal copying. This is especially problematic for creators as it is often difficult to prove that their work has been copied by another artist. Additionally, the amount of copying that is considered to be infringing can vary from case to case, resulting in inconsistencies in the law.The implications of the substantial similarity of artistic works in American law are far-reaching. On one hand, it allows creators to protect their works by preventing others from using their ideas without permission. On the other hand, it can be used to stifle creativity by preventing new works from being created. Additionally, it can be used to prevent the dissemination of information, which can have a negative impact on the public's right to access knowledge and information.In conclusion, the substantial similarity of artistic works in American law is an important and complex issue. It is important for creators to be aware of the criteria used to determine substantial similarity and the controversy surrounding its infringement boundary. Additionally, they should be mindful of the implications of the substantial similarity of artistic works in American law and take steps to protect their works from potential infringement.





lxml 是一个用于 Python 的库,它提供了高效的 XML 和 HTML 解析以及搜索功能。它是基于 libxml2 和 libxslt 这两个强大的 C 语言库构建的,因此相比纯 Python 实现的解析器(如 xml.etree.ElementTree),lxml 在速度和功能上都更为强大。 主要特性 快速的解析和序列化:由于底层是 C 实现的,lxml 在解析和序列化 XML/HTML 文档时非常快速。 XPath 和 CSS 选择器:支持 XPath 和 CSS 选择器,这使得在文档中查找特定元素变得简单而强大。 清理和转换 HTML:lxml 提供了强大的工具来清理和转换不规范的 HTML,比如自动修正标签和属性。 ETree API:提供了类似于 ElementTree 的 API,但更加完善和强大。 命名空间支持:相比 ElementTree,lxml 对 XML 命名空间提供了更好的支持。


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"Vue.js实现iOS原生Picker效果及实现思路解析" 在iOS应用中,Picker组件通常用于让用户从一系列选项中进行选择,例如日期、时间或者特定的值。Vue.js作为一个流行的前端框架,虽然原生不包含与iOS Picker完全相同的组件,但开发者可以通过自定义组件来实现类似的效果。本篇文章将详细介绍如何在Vue.js项目中创建一个模仿iOS原生Picker功能的组件,并分享实现这一功能的思路。 首先,为了创建这个组件,我们需要一个基本的DOM结构。示例代码中给出了一个基础的模板,包括一个外层容器`<div class="pd-select-item">`,以及两个列表元素`<ul class="pd-select-list">`和`<ul class="pd-select-wheel">`,分别用于显示选定项和可滚动的选择项。 ```html <template> <div class="pd-select-item"> <div class="pd-select-line"></div> <ul class="pd-select-list"> <li class="pd-select-list-item">1</li> </ul> <ul class="pd-select-wheel"> <li class="pd-select-wheel-item">1</li> </ul> </div> </template> ``` 接下来,我们定义组件的属性(props)。`data`属性是必需的,它应该是一个数组,包含了所有可供用户选择的选项。`type`属性默认为'cycle',可能用于区分不同类型的Picker组件,例如循环滚动或非循环滚动。`value`属性用于设置初始选中的值。 ```javascript props: { data: { type: Array, required: true }, type: { type: String, default: 'cycle' }, value: {} } ``` 为了实现Picker的垂直居中效果,我们需要设置CSS样式。`.pd-select-line`, `.pd-select-list` 和 `.pd-select-wheel` 都被设置为绝对定位,通过`transform: translateY(-50%)`使其在垂直方向上居中。`.pd-select-list` 使用`overflow:hidden`来隐藏超出可视区域的部分。 为了达到iOS Picker的3D滚动效果,`.pd-select-wheel` 设置了`transform-style: preserve-3d`,确保子元素在3D空间中保持其位置。`.pd-select-wheel-item` 的每个列表项都设置了`position:absolute`,并使用`backface-visibility:hidden`来优化3D变换的性能。 ```css .pd-select-line, .pd-select-list, .pd-select-wheel { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .pd-select-list { overflow: hidden; } .pd-select-wheel { transform-style: preserve-3d; height: 30px; } .pd-select-wheel-item { white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; backface-visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } ``` 最后,为了使组件能够响应用户的滚动操作,我们需要监听触摸事件,更新选中项,并可能还需要处理滚动动画。这通常涉及到计算滚动位置,映射到数据数组,以及根据滚动方向调整可见项的位置。 总结来说,实现Vue.js中的iOS原生Picker效果,需要构建一个包含可滚动列表的自定义组件,通过CSS样式实现3D滚动效果,并通过JavaScript处理触摸事件来模拟Picker的行为。通过这种方式,开发者可以在Vue.js项目中创建出与iOS原生界面风格一致的用户交互体验。


管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357https://theses.hal.science/tel-003453572008年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


![【广度优先搜索】:Python面试中的系统化思维展现](https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/cdn-uploads/20200611200432/Top-10-System-Design-Interview-Questions-and-Answers.png) # 1. 广度优先搜索(BFS)算法概述 广度优先搜索(Breadth-First Search, BFS)算法是图论中的一种基本算法,广泛应用于计算机科学和工程领域。它是对树或图进行遍历的一种方法,按照距离起点的远近逐层进行搜索,直到找到目标节点或遍历完所有可到达的节点。这种算法

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本资源是一份基于Arduino Mega2560主控的蓝牙遥控小车程序代码,适用于Android设备通过蓝牙进行操控。该程序允许车辆实现运动、显示和测温等多种功能,具有较高的灵活性和实用性。 1. **蓝牙通信与模块操作** 在程序开始时,开发者提醒用户在上传代码前需将蓝牙模块的RX接口暂时拔掉,上传成功后再恢复连接。这可能是因为在调试过程中,需要确保串口通信的纯净性。程序通过Serial.begin()函数设置串口波特率为9600,这是常见的蓝牙通信速率,适合于手机等设备连接。 2. **电机控制参数调整** 代码中提到的"偏转角度需要根据场地不同进行调参数",表明程序设计为支持自定义参数,通过宏变量的形式,用户可以根据实际需求对小车的转向灵敏度进行个性化设置。例如,`#define left_forward_PIN4` 和 `#define right_forward_PIN2` 定义了左右轮的前进控制引脚,这些引脚的输出值范围是1-255,允许通过编程精确控制轮速。 3. **行驶方向控制** 小车的行驶方向通过改变特定引脚的高低电平来实现。例如,`void left_forward_PIN4` 和 `void left_back_PIN5` 分别控制左轮前进和后退,用户可以通过赋予高或低电平来指示小车的行驶方向。同时,右轮的控制方式类似。 4. **多种移动模式** 除了基本的前进和后退,程序还提供了原地左转、原地右转、右前、左前、左后和右后的控制函数,如`void turnLeftOrigin()` 等,增强了小车的机动性和操作多样性。 5. **主函数和循环结构** 主函数`void setup()`用于初始化硬件,包括串口通信和引脚配置。而`void loop()`则是一个无限循环,通过`void reve()`函数不断接收并处理蓝牙发送的指令,保持小车持续响应用户的控制命令。 6. **数据接收与解析** `void reve()`函数通过`Serial.parseInt()`读取蓝牙发送的数字值(7在示例中被提及),然后根据接收到的指令执行相应的移动命令,体现了程序的核心逻辑部分。 总结来说,这份蓝牙小车程序代码为开发人员提供了一个基础平台,通过调整参数和编写特定的控制函数,能够实现不同场景下的小车控制,具有较强的通用性和可扩展性。对于学习和实践Arduino与蓝牙通信的开发者来说,这是一个很好的学习和实践案例。