为什么ElemType 那一行错误显示'Elemtype'does not name a type,要怎么修改呢
时间: 2023-12-15 07:05:30 浏览: 641
这个错误一般是因为在程序中没有定义 ElemType 类型。你需要在程序中定义 ElemType 类型,然后才能在程序中使用它。
如果你已经定义了 ElemType 类型,那么可能是因为你在定义 ElemType 类型之前使用了它,或者是因为你的定义语法有误。
void foo(ElemType value);
但是没有定义 ElemType 类型,那么就会出现“'Elemtype' does not name a type”的错误。在这种情况下,你需要在程序中定义 ElemType 类型或者修改定义语法。
正确的 ElemType 定义应该类似于这样:
typedef int ElemType; // 以 int 为例
using ElemType = int; // 以 int 为例
如果你使用的是 C++11 或更高版本的标准,也可以使用 decltype(auto) 来定义 ElemType 类型,例如:
decltype(auto) value = 123;
using ElemType = decltype(value);
ElemType does not name a type
This error message typically occurs in C++ when the compiler encounters an undefined type name "ElemType". This can happen when the programmer is trying to use a type that has not been declared or defined in the current context.
The solution to this problem is to ensure that the type "ElemType" is properly declared and defined before it is used in the code. This can be done by including the appropriate header files or defining the type explicitly in the code.
For example, if "ElemType" is meant to represent a custom data type, the programmer should define it like this:
typedef struct {
// fields of the custom data type
} ElemType;
Alternatively, if "ElemType" is an existing data type, the programmer should include the appropriate header file that defines it. For example, if "ElemType" is meant to be an integer, the programmer should include the <stdint.h> header file:
#include <stdint.h>
int main() {
// use the int data type
int x = 42;
// use the uint8_t data type
uint8_t y = 255;
return 0;
By properly declaring and defining the type "ElemType", the compiler should be able to recognize it as a valid data type and avoid the "ElemType does not name a type" error.
6 2 D:\刘云林\Documents\实训作业2.cpp [Error] 'ElemType' does not name a type
typedef int ElemType; // 定义ElemType为int类型
struct student {
int id;
char name[20];
int age;
typedef struct student ElemType; // 定义ElemType为结构体类型