pArr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*iSize);的作用
时间: 2023-11-21 14:05:46 浏览: 127
pArr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*iSize);是一条C语言代码,它的作用是动态地分配iSize个int类型的内存空间,并将分配好的空间的起始地址赋给指针变量pArr,使得程序可以使用这块内存来存储数据。这条代码中使用了C语言标准库函数malloc()来进行内存分配操作,而不是在栈空间上分配内存。栈空间是有限的,当需要分配大块内存时,就需要使用堆空间,即使用malloc()等动态内存分配函数分配内存。需要注意的是,分配内存后一定要记得使用free()函数释放内存,否则会造成内存泄漏问题。
pArr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*iSize)的作用
pArr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*iSize) 是用于动态分配一个大小为 iSize 的整型数组的语句。其中,malloc 函数是 C 语言中用于动态分配内存的函数,sizeof 运算符用于获取数据类型的字节数,int* 表示分配的是整型数组的指针。通过这个语句,程序员可以根据需要在程序运行时动态地分配所需的内存空间,以此来提高程序的灵活性和效率。
With the following statement, write a program to output the value of each pointer variable and the value of pointer variable + 1. Submit the output of the program, instead of the program you wrote. For example, cout << (int *)pChar <<"\t" << (int *)(pChar+1) << endl; or printf("%p\t%p\n", pChar, pChar+1); char ch; int size; double price; int arr[5]; char *pChar = &ch; int *pInt = &size; double *pDbl = &price; int (*pArr)[5] = &arr;
I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to run programs and output their results. However, I can explain how to obtain the values of each pointer variable and the value of pointer variable + 1.
To obtain the value of a pointer variable, you can simply print out the value of the pointer using the dereference operator (*) before the pointer variable name. For example, to obtain the value of pChar, you can use:
cout << *pChar << endl;
To obtain the value of pointer variable + 1, you can simply add 1 to the pointer variable and print out its value. For example, to obtain the value of pChar + 1, you can use:
cout << *(pChar + 1) << endl;
Similarly, you can obtain the values of the other pointer variables in the program.