STFT中的frequency bin有多少个
时间: 2023-11-25 21:30:40 浏览: 75
STFT中的frequency bin数量取决于窗口大小和采样率。根据Nyquist-Shannon采样定理,最大可表示频率为采样率的一半。因此,STFT中的频率范围从0 Hz到采样率的一半。频率分辨率取决于窗口大小,频率分辨率等于采样率除以窗口大小。因此,STFT中的frequency bin数量等于窗口大小的一半加1。例如,如果采样率为44100 Hz,窗口大小为2048,那么STFT中会有1025个frequency bin。
STFT frequency bin
A Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) frequency bin refers to the frequency resolution of the STFT output. The STFT is a time-frequency analysis technique that divides a signal into short overlapping windows and computes the Fourier Transform of each window. The result is a spectrogram that displays the frequency content of the signal over time.
The frequency resolution of the STFT is determined by the length of the analysis window and the sampling rate of the signal. Each frequency bin in the STFT represents a specific frequency range and is typically expressed in Hertz (Hz). For example, if the sampling rate is 44100 Hz and the analysis window is 1024 samples, each frequency bin would cover a range of 21.5 Hz. Therefore, the nth frequency bin of the STFT output represents the frequency range from (n-1) times the frequency bin width to n times the frequency bin width.
STFT中的frequency bin的数量怎么计算
在STFT中,frequency bin的数量取决于窗口大小和采样率。设窗口大小为N,采样率为fs,则每个频率bin的宽度为fs/N。由于FFT是一个对称的过程,因此频率范围可以表示为[0,fs/2],所以总共有N/2+1个频率bin。因此,STFT中的频率bin数量为:
N/2 + 1