inline void std::ofstream::close() Close the file. Calls std::basic_filebuf::close(). If that function fails, failbit is set in the stream's error state. 中文说明错误原因
时间: 2023-12-21 08:04:28 浏览: 169
`std::ofstream::close()` 是 C++ 中 `std::ofstream` 类的成员函数,用于关闭文件。它会调用 `std::basic_filebuf::close()` 函数来执行实际的文件关闭操作。
如果 `std::basic_filebuf::close()` 函数关闭文件失败,将会在流的错误状态中设置 `failbit`,表示关闭文件时发生了错误。
以下是一个使用 `std::ofstream::close()` 的示例:
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::ofstream outputFile("output.txt");
if (outputFile.is_open()) {
outputFile << "Hello, World!";
outputFile.close(); // 关闭文件
} else {
// 文件打开失败
return 0;
在上面的示例中,调用 `close()` 函数来关闭文件 `output.txt`。如果文件成功关闭,将会将字符串 "Hello, World!" 写入文件。否则,如果关闭文件时发生错误,可以进行适当的错误处理。
inline void std::ofstream::close() Close the file. Calls std::basic_filebuf::close(). If that function fails, failbit is set in the stream's error state.
Correct, `std::ofstream::close()` is a member function of the `std::ofstream` class in C++. It is used to close the file associated with the `std::ofstream` object. It internally calls the `std::basic_filebuf::close()` function to perform the actual closing of the file.
If the `std::basic_filebuf::close()` function fails to close the file, the `failbit` is set in the stream's error state. This means that an error occurred while closing the file.
Here's an example of using `std::ofstream::close()`:
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::ofstream outputFile("output.txt");
if (outputFile.is_open()) {
outputFile << "Hello, World!";
outputFile.close(); // Close the file
} else {
// Failed to open the file
return 0;
In the above example, the `close()` function is called to close the file `output.txt`. If the file is closed successfully, the contents "Hello, World!" will be written to the file. Otherwise, if there was an error while closing the file, appropriate error handling can be done.
‘std::basic_ofstream<char>::__filebuf_type {aka class std::basic_filebuf<char>}’ has no member named ‘fd’ syncfs(outfile.rdbuf()->fd());
这个错误提示是因为在 `std::basic_filebuf` 类中没有 `fd` 成员。如果你想要在文件流对象中调用 `syncfs()` 函数以同步缓存,可以使用 `fileno()` 函数代替 `fd` 成员来获取文件描述符。修改代码如下: