spring boot 的项目部署在Linux中 application.yml的files路径参数应该怎么修改
时间: 2023-03-14 20:15:27 浏览: 366
在 Linux 中,您可以使用 spring.config.location 属性来指定 application.yml 文件的位置,例如:spring.config.location=classpath:/path/to/application.yml 或者 spring.config.location=/path/to/application.yml。
As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific files or directories on a computer. However, I can give you an overview of what an application.yml file typically contains.
The application.yml file is a configuration file used by Spring Boot applications. It is a YAML file that contains properties and values that configure various aspects of the application, such as database connection settings, logging levels, and server port numbers.
Some common properties that can be configured in the application.yml file are:
1. Server port number
2. Database connection settings
3. Logging settings
4. Application properties such as name, version, and description
5. Third-party service credentials
6. Security settings
7. Caching settings
8. Email server settings
9. Internationalization settings
The structure of the application.yml file is typically organized by sections, with each section representing a specific category of configuration properties. For example, the database connection settings may be grouped together under a "datasource" section, while logging settings may be grouped under a "logging" section.
Overall, the application.yml file is an important configuration file for Spring Boot applications, as it allows developers to easily configure and customize various aspects of their application without having to make changes to the code.
idea springboot项目 不读取 resources 下的 bootstrap.yml
在IntelliJ IDEA中创建Spring Boot项目时,如果不想让`application.properties`或`bootstrap.yml`文件默认被读取,你可以采取以下步骤:
1. **禁用自动配置**:Spring Boot默认会自动扫描资源目录寻找配置文件。要阻止这一步,你需要在项目的`build.gradle`或`pom.xml`中添加`spring.factories`文件(对于Gradle),或者在`application.properties`或`application.yml`中设置`spring.config.location`属性(对于YAML)。例如:
// Gradle
configurations {
exclude 'config'
dependencies {
implementation group: 'org.springframework.boot', name: 'spring-boot-starter', version: 'version', classifier: 'exclude-auto-configuration'
// 替换 'com.example.project' 为你的实际包名
config 'com.example.project:config:0.0.1'
// Maven (在spring.factories)
2. **明确指定配置源**:如果你只想从特定位置加载配置,可以设置`spring.config.files`属性指明确切的配置文件路径,而不是让IDEA查找`resources`目录。
# application.properties