From Proposition 1, we plug ri,O = li(μ)τi into (39) and rewrite problem (38) as maximize ri,O ai − μ li (μ) − Yi(t)g [li(μ)] ri,O li (μ)hi (41a) March 2, 2021 DRAFT maximize ˆr O subject to 0 ≤ ri,O ≤ Qi(t), (41b) 0, ifa − μ −Y(t)g[li(μ)] <0, subject to where the optimal solution is r∗ i,O Accordingly, we have τ∗ = r∗ ii,Oi i1 of μ in (32) as 1−i∈M1 τi∗. Then, we obtain the optimal dual variable μ∗ through the ellipsoid method (bi-section search in this case) over the range [0,∆], where ∆ is a sufficiently large value, until a prescribed precision requirement is met. Given the optimal μ∗, we denote the optimal ratio obtained from (40) as li (μ∗) r∗ /τ∗, i,O i ∀i ∈ M1. Notice that the optimal solution τi∗, r∗ , ∀i ∈ M1 of the dual problem may not be i,O primal feasible. Therefore, to find a primal optimal solution to (31), we substitute τi = ri,O/li (μ∗) into (31) and simplify the problem as = i li(μ) i li(μ)hi (42) otherwise. Qi (t), /l (μ). After obtaining τ∗, ∀i ∈ M , we calculate the subgradient ai − Yi(t)g [li(μ∗)] ri,O (43a) i ∈ M 1 h i l i ( μ ∗ ) ri,O ≤ 1, ri,O ≤ Qi(t), ∀i ∈ M1. (43b) i∈M1 li(μ∗) The above problem is a simple linear programming (LP) that can be easily solved. With a bit abuse of notation, we denote the optimal solution of (43) as ˆr∗ = r∗ , ∀i ∈ M and retrieve 20 the optimal solution to (31) as τ∗=r∗ /l(μ∗),e∗ =τi∗g[li(μ∗)],∀i∈M. (44) i i,O i i,O hili(μ∗) 1 Denote τˆ∗ = {τi∗,∀i ∈ M1} and ˆe∗O = e∗i,O,∀i ∈ M1. As {τˆ∗,ˆe∗O,ˆr∗O,μ∗} satisfies the KKT conditions, {τˆ∗,ˆe∗O,ˆr∗O} is an optimal solution to (31). By combining the optimal solutions in (30) and (44), we obtain an optimal solution of (P4). We summarize the pseudo-code of the O i,O 1 algorithm to solve (P4) in Algorithm 2.,翻译并解释li和hi是什么
时间: 2023-06-17 19:07:10 浏览: 214
Recall that a clause is of the form (H1 ∨ H2 ∨ · · · ∨ Hk) ← (B1 ∧ B2 ∧ · · · ∧ B` ) for literals B1, . . . , B` , H1, . . . , Hk, k ≥ 1, and ` ≥ 0. Are these propositions clauses? If not, convert them into equivalent clause form, i.e., for proposition p, construct a set S of clauses such that any interpretation π satisfies p if and only if π satisfies S: (a) A ∧ B (b) A ∨ B (c) (A ∧ ¬B) ∨ (¬A ∧ B) (d) ¬((A → B) ∧ (C → ¬B)) Answer. (a) A ∧ B is not a clause. S = {A, B} (b) A ∨ B is a clause (c) (A ∧ ¬B) ∨ (¬A ∧ B) is not a clause. S = {A ← ¬B, ¬B ← A} (d) ¬((A → B) ∧ (C → ¬B)) is not a clause. S = {A ← ¬C, C ← B, A ← ¬B}中文解释
这道题目要求我们判断一些命题是否为子句(clause)形式,如果不是,则需要将其转化为等价的子句形式。其中,子句形式的定义为 (H1 ∨ H2 ∨ · · · ∨ Hk) ← (B1 ∧ B2 ∧ · · · ∧ B` ),其中 B1, . . . , B` , H1, . . . , Hk 为文字(literal),且 k ≥ 1,` ≥ 0。
(a) A ∧ B 不是子句。为了将其转化为等价的子句形式,我们可以创建两个子句如下:S = {A, B}。
(b) A ∨ B 是子句。
(c) (A ∧ ¬B) ∨ (¬A ∧ B) 不是子句。为了将其转化为等价的子句形式,我们可以创建两个子句如下:S = {A ← ¬B, ¬B ← A}。
(d) ¬((A → B) ∧ (C → ¬B)) 不是子句。为了将其转化为等价的子句形式,我们可以创建三个子句如下:S = {A ← ¬C, C ← B, A ← ¬B}。
value proposition
A value proposition is a statement that explains what makes a product or service unique and desirable to potential customers. It highlights the benefits and value that the product or service provides to customers and sets it apart from its competitors. A good value proposition should be clear, concise, and compelling, and it should address the customer's pain points and needs. It is an important element of a company's marketing strategy as it helps attract and retain customers.