时间: 2024-06-05 22:11:39 浏览: 95
1. `GPIOB->CRH`是GPIOB端口的高8位控制寄存器的地址,用来配置GPIOB的8个引脚(PB8到PB15)。
2. `GPIOB->CRH &= 0XFFFFOFFF`是将GPIOB的高8位控制寄存器的第12位至第15位清零,即将原来的配置清除。
3. `GPIOB->CRH |= 8<<12`是设置GPIOB的高8位控制寄存器的第12位至第15位,将其配置为输出模式,推挽输出,最大输出速率为50MHz。
GPIOB->CRH |= 0xB8B00000; 是一条C语言代码,用于设置GPIOB的控制寄存器高位(CRH)的值为0xB8B00000。这条代码的作用是配置GPIOB的引脚功能和模式。
- CRH:表示GPIOB的控制寄存器高位,用于配置引脚8到15的功能和模式。
- |=:表示按位或运算符,将CRH寄存器的值与0xB8B00000进行按位或操作。
- 0xB8B00000:表示要设置的值,以二进制形式表示为10111000101100000000000000000。
GPIOB->CRH refers to the configuration register high of the GPIOB port. It is a 32-bit register that is used to configure the behavior of the pins of the GPIOB port. Each pin of the port has 4 bits in this register which are used to configure the pin mode, output type, speed, and pull-up/pull-down resistors.
The CRH register is used for the pins 8 to 15 of the GPIOB port, while the CRL register is used for the pins 0 to 7. The configuration of the pins can be set using bitwise operations and constants defined in the STM32F103xx.h header file.
For example, to set pin 12 of GPIOB as an output pin with a maximum output speed of 50 MHz, the following code can be used:
GPIOB->CRH |= GPIO_CRH_MODE12; // Set pin 12 as output
GPIOB->CRH |= GPIO_CRH_CNF12_1; // Set pin 12 as push-pull output
GPIOB->CRH |= GPIO_CRH_MODE12_1; // Set pin 12 to maximum output speed of 50 MHz
Note that this code assumes that the GPIOB clock has already been enabled and that the appropriate pins have been configured as GPIO pins using the GPIOB->CRL register.