时间: 2023-09-29 17:07:34 浏览: 105
SPIMI(Single Pass In-Memory Indexing)算法是一种基于内存的索引构建算法,用于处理大规模文本数据集。它的实现比较简单,可以使用Python来实现。
1. 将文本数据集分块,每个块可以是一个文件或者一个固定大小的数据块。
2. 对于每个块,使用分词器将其分词成单词,并将每个单词与其所在文档的标识符一起存储到一个字典中。
3. 当字典大小达到一定阈值时,将字典写入磁盘。
4. 对于每个单词,维护一个有序列表,记录它出现在哪些文档中。
5. 最后,使用类似归并排序的方法合并所有块的索引。
from collections import defaultdict
def spimi_invert(filename, block_size):
"""SPIMI algorithm implementation for inverted indexing"""
# initialize an empty dictionary for the inverted index
inverted_index = defaultdict(list)
# open the input file
with open(filename, 'r') as input_file:
block = []
block_size_bytes = 0
for line in input_file:
# tokenize the line into words
words = line.strip().split()
for word in words:
# add the word to the current block
block.append((word, input_file.tell()))
block_size_bytes += len(word)
# if the block is full, write it to disk and clear the memory
if block_size_bytes >= block_size:
inverted_index = spimi_merge(inverted_index, block)
block = []
block_size_bytes = 0
# process the last block
if block:
inverted_index = spimi_merge(inverted_index, block)
return inverted_index
def spimi_merge(inverted_index, block):
"""Merge a block into an inverted index built so far"""
# sort the block by the word
block.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# initialize a pointer array for each word in the block
pointers = {}
for i, (word, _) in enumerate(block):
if word not in pointers:
pointers[word] = []
# merge the block with the inverted index
for word, indices in pointers.items():
postings = []
for index in indices:
_, doc_id = block[index]
return inverted_index
inverted_index = spimi_invert('data.txt', 100)