时间: 2023-10-11 22:04:57 浏览: 165
VCC: This is the positive power supply voltage that is used in electronic circuits. It is usually connected to the positive side of the power source or battery.
VDD: This is similar to VCC, but it is used specifically in digital circuits. It is the positive supply voltage that powers the digital logic circuitry.
VEE: This is the negative power supply voltage that is used in electronic circuits. It is usually connected to the negative side of the power source or battery.
VSS: This is similar to VEE, but it is used specifically in digital circuits. It is the negative supply voltage that powers the ground or reference level of the digital logic circuitry.
VBAT: This is the voltage supply used specifically to power a battery-operated device. It is usually connected to the positive terminal of the battery and provides power to the circuitry within the device.