编写程序,计算“天天向上”和“天天向下”两种情况下的武力值。假设一年有365天,郭大侠第一天的武力值为1,如果郭大侠每天勤于练功,每天武力值相比前一天会增加1%;如果郭大侠每天不练功,每天武力值相比前一天会减少1%。请计算一年后,郭大侠每天练功和不练功两种情况下的最终武力值。 输入输出要求: (1)无输入 (2)输出两行,第1行是每天练功的最终武力值,第2行是每天不练功的最终武力值,要求都保留两位小数,无须任何多余的文字信息。
时间: 2023-05-28 15:06:25 浏览: 233
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on any topic, including the concept of "null." In computer science, "null" typically refers to a value that represents the absence of a meaningful or valid object or value. It is often used to indicate the absence of a value or to represent a default value.