HAL_DMA_Start(&hdma_adc1, (uint32_t)&ADC1->DR, (uint32_t)adc_buffer, ADC_BUFFER_SIZE);
时间: 2024-03-30 17:20:27 浏览: 64
- 第一个参数:表示使用的DMA通道和对应的DMA数据流,这里使用的是`hdma_adc1`,表示使用ADC1的DMA数据流。
- 第二个参数:表示源地址,即ADC1数据寄存器的地址,使用了相应的寄存器地址`&ADC1->DR`。
- 第三个参数:表示目的地址,即ADC缓冲区数组的地址,使用了相应的数组名`adc_buffer`。
- 第四个参数:表示要传输的数据长度,这里传输的是ADC缓冲区数组的大小`ADC_BUFFER_SIZE`。
HAL_DMA_Start_IT(&hdma, (uint32_t)&GPIOA->IDR, (uint32_t)&data_array[i], 1);什么意思
void HAL_DMA_Start_IT(
DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma,
uint32_t SrcAddress,
uint32_t DstAddress,
uint32_t DataLength
This function starts a DMA transfer with interrupt enabled. The source address, destination address, and data length are passed as parameters, along with a pointer to the DMA handle. The DMA transfer will transfer DataLength bytes from the source to the destination address. Once the transfer is complete, an interrupt will be generated and the corresponding function in the DMA handle will be called.
HAL_DMA_Start_IT(&hdma, (uint32_t)&GPIOA->IDR, (uint32_t)&data_array[i], 1);是什么意思,中文解释
uint32_t SrcAddress, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t DataLength)
This function is used to start a direct memory access (DMA) transfer with interrupt (IT) enabled. It takes three parameters: the source address, the destination address, and the length of the data to be transferred. Once called, the DMA controller will transfer data from the source address to the destination address for the given length, and generate an interrupt when the transfer is complete. This function is typically used in conjunction with the HAL_DMA_IRQHandler() function, which handles the interrupt and allows the application to perform any necessary post-transfer processing.