module test; typedef_packed struct { bit [9:-1][2:0] a; ///REQ-EXT-10001, REQ-EXT-10004 bit [3:0] b; } packed ST1; typedef_packed struct { ST1 st1; ST1 st2[3:0]; } ST2; logic clk; always @ (posedge clk) begin ST2 st2 = '{ {10{1'b1}}, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'hFFF} , '{4'b0011, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'h000}, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'h000}}}; $display("st2 before:%0d '%h", st2.st2[0].b, st2.st2[0].a); end endmodule when compiled by vcs, it reports: Assignment pattern is illegal due to: Assignment pattern is incomplete, all fields must be assigned. how should I fix this error?
时间: 2024-03-20 07:41:57 浏览: 225
The error occurs because the assignment pattern for the variable "st2" is incomplete. To fix this error, you need to assign values to all the fields in the "st2" structure.
For example, you can add the following line to assign values to the "st1" field in "st2":
ST2 st2 = '{ '{9'b111111111, 3'b0001}, '{ '{9'b001111111, 3'b000}, '{9'b111111111, 12'hFFF}, '{9'b111111111, 12'h000} }, '{ '{9'b0011, 3'b000}, '{9'b111111111, 12'h000}, '{9'b111111111, 12'h000} }, '{ '{9'b0011, 3'b000}, '{9'b111111111, 12'h000}, '{9'b111111111, 12'h000} } };
This assigns values to all the fields in "st2", including the "st1" field. You can adjust the values as needed for your application.