Examine the following MATLAB statements . Are they correct or incorrect ? if volts >125 disp (' WARNING : High voltage on line .'); if volts <105 disp (' WARNING : Low voltage on line .'); else disp (' Line voltage is within tolerances .'); end 是否正确,中文解答,分析
时间: 2024-02-07 14:02:24 浏览: 116
这段 MATLAB 代码存在语法错误。正确的代码应该是:
if volts > 125
disp('WARNING: High voltage on line.');
elseif volts < 105
disp('WARNING: Low voltage on line.');
disp('Line voltage is within tolerances.');
这段代码使用了 if-elseif-else 语句,首先判断 volts 是否大于 125,如果是则显示 "WARNING: High voltage on line."。如果 volts 不大于 125,则判断 volts 是否小于 105,如果是则显示 "WARNING: Low voltage on line."。如果 volts 既不大于 125,也不小于 105,则显示 "Line voltage is within tolerances."。
原始代码的问题在于,它没有使用 elseif 语句,而是在第一个 if 语句后面直接使用了一个 if 语句。这样的话,如果 volts 大于 125,第二个 if 语句还是会执行,导致程序出错。
Examine the following MATLAB statements . Are they correct or incorrect ? color =' yellow '; switch ( color ) case ' red ', disp (' Stop now !'); case ' yellow ', disp (' Prepare to stop .'); case ' green ', disp (' Proceed through intersection .'); otherwise , disp (' Illegal color encountered .'); end disp (' Stop now !'); case ' yellow ', disp (' Prepare to stop .'); case ' green ', disp (' Proceed through intersection .'); otherwise , disp (' Illegal color encountered .'); end
The given MATLAB statements are incorrect. The 'disp (' Stop now !');' statement is outside the switch statement and does not have any case associated with it. It should be removed or placed inside a relevant case statement. The corrected code is shown below:
color = 'yellow';
switch (color)
case 'red'
disp('Stop now!');
case 'yellow'
disp('Prepare to stop.');
case 'green'
disp('Proceed through intersection.');
disp('Illegal color encountered.');
Note that the 'otherwise' statement will execute if the input color does not match any of the defined cases.
10:35:56.822 Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): 10:35:56.830 SassError: Undefined variable: "$u-form-item-height". 10:35:56.830 on line 210 of D:\ideaWorkSpace\ehl-wx\applicationCenter\knowledgeBase\addQuestion.vue 10:35:56.839 >> line-height: $u-form-item-height; 10:35:56.848 ------------------^ 10:35:56.856 Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): 10:35:56.863 SassError: Undefined variable: "$u-form-item-height". 10:35:56.873 on line 220 of D:\ideaWorkSpace\ehl-wx\applicationCenter\examine\answerQuestion.vue 10:35:56.873 >> line-height: $u-form-item-height; 10:35:56.880 --------------------^ 10:35:56.880 Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): 10:35:56.889 SassError: Undefined variable: "$u-form-item-height". 10:35:56.896 on line 220 of D:\ideaWorkSpace\ehl-wx\applicationCenter\knowledgeBase\answerQuestion.vue 10:35:56.903 >> line-height: $u-form-item-height; 10:35:56.904 --------------------^ 10:35:56.913 Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): 10:35:56.913 SassError: Undefined variable: "$u-form-item-height". 10:35:56.921 on line 232 of D:\ideaWorkSpace\ehl-wx\applicationCenter\examine\addQuestion.vue 10:35:56.930 >> line-height: $u-form-item-height; 10:35:56.930 ------------------^ 10:35:56.938 Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): 10:35:56.938 SassError: Undefined variable: "$u-form-item-height". 10:35:56.946 on line 350 of D:\ideaWorkSpace\ehl-wx\pages\service\addService.vue 10:35:56.947 >> line-height: $u-form-item-height; 10:35:56.954 -------------------^解决
1. 确保你已经正确引入了uview-ui组件,并且按照官方文档的要求进行了配置。
2. 检查你的项目中是否已经安装了Sass相关的依赖。可以通过运行`npm install sass-loader node-sass`来安装这些依赖。
3. 确保在你的项目中正确配置了Sass的loader。可以在项目的webpack配置文件或vue.config.js文件中添加相应的配置,确保Sass能够正确加载和解析。
4. 检查一下uview-ui版本和你当前项目的版本是否兼容。有时候不同版本之间可能会有变量命名的差异,需要进行相应的调整。
5. 如果以上步骤都没有解决问题,可以尝试手动定义变量"$u-form-item-height"并给它赋值。你可以在项目中的Sass文件或者全局样式文件中添加以下代码:
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替换 "xxxpx" 为你想要的高度值。然后重新编译项目,看看是否解决了问题。