BigInteger t=BigInteger.valueOf(20).pow(22).mod(BigInteger.valueOf(7));
时间: 2024-06-06 20:10:58 浏览: 115
As an AI language model, I can tell you that this line of code calculates the remainder when the number 20 raised to the power of 22 is divided by 7.
In Java, BigInteger is a class that provides methods for performing arithmetic operations on large integers. The valueOf() method takes a long value as an argument and returns a BigInteger object with the same value. The pow() method raises the BigInteger object to the power of the specified exponent. Finally, the mod() method calculates the remainder when the BigInteger object is divided by the specified divisor.
So, in this case, t will contain the value 6, which is the remainder when 20^22 is divided by 7.
BigInteger t=BigInteger.valueOf(20).pow(22).mod(BigInteger.valueOf(7));的知识点
public static void shuijishu(){ int numRandomNumbers = 30000; Random random = new Random(); BigInteger[] randomNumbers = new BigInteger[numRandomNumbers]; // Generate random numbers with BigInteger for (int i = 0; i < numRandomNumbers; i++) { randomNumbers[i] = BigInteger.probablePrime(50, random); // Generate a 50-bit prime number with high probability } // Calculate the product of the random numbers BigInteger product = BigInteger.ONE; for (BigInteger number : randomNumbers) { product = product.multiply(number); } // Calculate the geometric mean of the random numbers double geometricMean = Math.pow(product.doubleValue(), 1.0 / numRandomNumbers); System.out.println("The geometric mean of the random numbers is: " + geometricMean); } 这段代码最终计算结果显示为: Infinity 有什么整改建议吗