时间: 2023-07-03 18:21:42 浏览: 84
以下是使用 Python 实现 BM3D 算法的示例代码:
import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import compare_psnr
from skimage import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def block_matching(img, block_size, search_size):
# img: input image
# block_size: size of the blocks to match
# search_size: size of the search window
h, w = img.shape
b = block_size // 2
s = search_size // 2
search_area = img[b:h-b, b:w-b]
matches = np.zeros((h-2*b, w-2*b), dtype=np.int32)
for i in range(-s, s+1):
for j in range(-s, s+1):
shifted = img[b+i:h-b+i, b+j:w-b+j]
diff = (search_area - shifted) ** 2
ssd = np.sum(diff, axis=(2,3))
min_idx = np.argmin(ssd, axis=0)
matches += min_idx
return matches
def bm3d(img, sigma, block_size=8, search_size=21, window_size=35, threshold=2.7, hard_threshold=False):
# img: input image
# sigma: noise level
# block_size: size of the blocks to match
# search_size: size of the search window
# window_size: size of the 3D transform window
# threshold: threshold value for soft thresholding
# hard_threshold: whether to use hard thresholding instead of soft thresholding
h, w = img.shape
b = block_size // 2
s = search_size // 2
img_pad = np.pad(img, b, mode='symmetric')
matches = block_matching(img_pad, block_size, search_size)
img_denoise = np.zeros((h, w))
weights = np.zeros((h, w))
for i in range(b, h-b):
for j in range(b, w-b):
block = img_pad[i-b:i+b+1, j-b:j+b+1]
match = matches[i-b, j-b]
similar_blocks = img_pad[match-b:match+b+1, j-b:j+b+1]
similar_blocks = similar_blocks.reshape(block_size, block_size, -1)
mean = np.mean(similar_blocks, axis=2, keepdims=True)
similar_blocks -= mean
cov = np.matmul(similar_blocks, similar_blocks.transpose((0,1,3,2))) / (block_size ** 2 - 1)
eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov)
eigvals = np.sqrt(np.maximum(eigvals, 0))
transform = np.matmul(eigvecs, eigvals[:, :, None] * eigvecs.transpose((0,1,3,2)))
transform = np.moveaxis(transform, [2,3], [0,1])
weights_window = np.zeros((window_size, window_size))
for k in range(-s, s+1):
for l in range(-s, s+1):
ii = i + k
jj = j + l
if ii < b or ii >= h+b or jj < b or jj >= w+b:
block2 = img_pad[ii-b:ii+b+1, jj-b:jj+b+1]
match2 = matches[ii-b, jj-b]
if match2 != match:
similar_blocks2 = img_pad[match2-b:match2+b+1, jj-b:jj+b+1]
similar_blocks2 = similar_blocks2.reshape(block_size, block_size, -1)
mean2 = np.mean(similar_blocks2, axis=2, keepdims=True)
similar_blocks2 -= mean2
transform2 = np.matmul(eigvecs, eigvals[:, :, None] * eigvecs.transpose((0,1,3,2)))
transform2 = np.moveaxis(transform2, [2,3], [0,1])
diff = block - block2
dist = np.sum(diff ** 2) / (block_size ** 2)
weight = np.exp(-dist / (2 * sigma ** 2))
weights_window += weight
if hard_threshold:
mask = np.abs(transform - transform2) > threshold * sigma
transform = np.where(mask, transform, 0)
transform = transform - threshold * sigma ** 2 / (sigma ** 2 + dist) * (transform - transform2)
if np.sum(weights_window) == 0:
weights_window = weights_window / np.sum(weights_window)
weights[i-b:i+b+1, j-b:j+b+1] += weights_window
transform = np.sum(transform * weights_window[..., None, None], axis=(0,1))
transform = transform / np.sqrt(np.sum(transform ** 2))
block_denoise = np.matmul(transform, block.reshape(-1))
block_denoise = np.clip(block_denoise, 0, 255)
img_denoise[i-b:i+b+1, j-b:j+b+1] += block_denoise.reshape(block_size, block_size) * weights_window
img_denoise /= weights
img_denoise = np.clip(img_denoise, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
return img_denoise
这个代码实现了 BM3D 算法的主要步骤,包括块匹配、3D 变换、软阈值滤波等。您可以通过调整函数参数来控制算法的性能。