时间: 2023-10-25 10:10:15 浏览: 124
This is a vector of pairs, where each pair consists of a double value and another pair of double values. Here's an example of how this vector could be defined:
vector<pair<double,pair<double,double>>> myVector = {{1.0, {2.0, 3.0}}, {4.5, {6.7, 8.9}}, {10.0, {11.11, 12.12}}};
In this example, the vector has three elements, each consisting of a double value and another pair of double values. The first element is (1.0, {2.0, 3.0}), the second element is (4.5, {6.7, 8.9}), and the third element is (10.0, {11.11, 12.12}).
1. 使用下标访问
vector<pair<double,pair<double,double>>> vec;
// 添加元素
vec.push_back(make_pair(1.0, make_pair(2.0, 3.0)));
vec.push_back(make_pair(4.0, make_pair(5.0, 6.0)));
// 访问元素
cout << vec[0].first << " " << vec[0].second.first << " " << vec[0].second.second << endl;
cout << vec[1].first << " " << vec[1].second.first << " " << vec[1].second.second << endl;
2. 使用迭代器访问
vector<pair<double,pair<double,double>>> vec;
// 添加元素
vec.push_back(make_pair(1.0, make_pair(2.0, 3.0)));
vec.push_back(make_pair(4.0, make_pair(5.0, 6.0)));
// 访问元素
for (vector<pair<double,pair<double,double>>>::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
cout << it->first << " " << it->second.first << " " << it->second.second << endl;
3. 使用范围for循环访问
vector<pair<double,pair<double,double>>> vec;
// 添加元素
vec.push_back(make_pair(1.0, make_pair(2.0, 3.0)));
vec.push_back(make_pair(4.0, make_pair(5.0, 6.0)));
// 访问元素
for (auto const& elem : vec) {
cout << elem.first << " " << elem.second.first << " " << elem.second.second << endl;
invalid operands to binary expression ('basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >' and 'vector<pair<std::__cxx11::string, double> >' (aka 'vector<pair<basic_string<char>, double> >')) (FixIt)
这个错误提示是因为在使用`<<`运算符输出一个类型为`vector<pair<string, double>>`的变量时,编译器不知道如何将其转换成字符串类型进行输出。
解决这个问题的方法是,对`vector<pair<string, double>>`类型的变量进行循环输出,将其中的每一个元素逐个输出。示例代码如下:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
int main() {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> vec = {{"a", 1.0}, {"b", 2.0}, {"c", 3.0}};
for (const auto& p : vec) {
std::cout << p.first << ": " << p.second << std::endl;
return 0;
在上面的示例代码中,通过循环遍历`vector<pair<string, double>>`类型的变量,将其中的每一个键值对逐个输出,避免了直接输出该类型变量时的错误。