proc freq measures
时间: 2024-05-30 09:16:01 浏览: 45
Proc freq is a statistical procedure in SAS that calculates the frequency distribution of one or more variables in a dataset. It provides various measures such as:
1. Frequency count: It counts the number of times a particular value occurs in a variable.
2. Percentage: It calculates the percentage of observations that have a particular value.
3. Cumulative frequency: It calculates the number of observations that have a value less than or equal to a particular value.
4. Cumulative percentage: It calculates the percentage of observations that have a value less than or equal to a particular value.
5. Mode: It calculates the value that occurs most frequently in a variable.
6. Median: It calculates the value that separates the lower half from the upper half of the observations in a variable.
7. Range: It calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a variable.
8. Interquartile range: It calculates the difference between the 75th and 25th percentiles of a variable.
9. Standard deviation: It calculates the measure of the spread or dispersion of a variable around its mean.
10. Variance: It calculates the average of the squared differences from the mean of a variable.