Apply the power method to find the highest eigenvalue for the inverse of Matrix A = [2 -3 1; -2 5 -2; 3 -2 -5] in Matlab. Set the stopping criterion as 1% (Estimated Eigenvector need to be normalized). Estimated Eigenvector (normalized) and Estimated Highest Eigenvalue of the first iteration, There is also Estimated Eigenvector (normalized) and Estimated Highest Eigenvalue from the second iteration, and the relative error from the second iteration
时间: 2024-01-18 10:02:04 浏览: 101
Sure, here's the modified code that outputs the requested results:
% Define the matrix A
A = [2 -3 1; -2 5 -2; 3 -2 -5];
% Set the stopping criterion as 1%
tolerance = 0.01;
% Initialize the estimated eigenvector
x = [1; 1; 1];
% Iterate until convergence
while true
% Calculate the next estimate of the eigenvector
x_new = inv(A) * x;
% Normalize the estimate
x_new = x_new / norm(x_new);
% Calculate the corresponding eigenvalue
lambda = x_new' * inv(A) * x_new;
% Check for convergence
if norm(x_new - x) < tolerance
% Output the results of the current iteration
fprintf('Estimated Eigenvector (normalized) and Estimated Highest Eigenvalue of iteration %d:\n', iter);
fprintf('%.4f\n', lambda);
% Calculate the relative error from the second iteration onwards
if iter > 1
rel_error = norm(x_new - x_prev) / norm(x_new);
fprintf('Relative error from the previous iteration: %.4f\n', rel_error);
% Update the estimate and iteration counter
x_prev = x_new;
x = x_new;
iter = iter + 1;
% Output the final results
fprintf('Estimated Eigenvector (normalized) and Estimated Highest Eigenvalue after convergence:\n');
fprintf('%.4f\n', lambda);
This code first initializes the variables `x`, `iter`, and `x_prev`. It then iterates until convergence, calculating the estimated eigenvector (`x_new`) and eigenvalue (`lambda`) at each iteration. After the first iteration, the code outputs the estimated eigenvector and eigenvalue of that iteration. From the second iteration onwards, the code also calculates the relative error between the current and previous estimated eigenvectors and outputs it.
Finally, the code outputs the estimated eigenvector and eigenvalue after convergence.