int y_pid(int sv,int pv,int kp,int ki) { int pv_temp=0; if(y_signed_flag==0)//y轴角度是正值 pv_temp=360-pv; else pv_temp=pv; pid.err=sv-pv_temp; pid.sum+=pid.sum+pid.err; pid.p=kp*pid.err; pid.i=ki*pid.sum; pid.out=pid.p+pid.i; if(pid.out>=720) { pid.out=720; } else if(pid.out<0) { pid.out=0; } if(pid.sum>=1000) { pid.sum=1000; } else if(pid.sum<-1000) { pid.sum=-1000; } return pid.out; }
时间: 2024-02-16 07:01:21 浏览: 90
int set_channel_data_format(int channel_num, int channel_resolution, int channel_format);
This function sets the data format for a specific channel in a device. The inputs are:
- channel_num: an integer representing the channel number to be configured.
- channel_resolution: an integer representing the resolution of the channel, in bits.
- channel_format: an integer representing the data format of the channel, which can be one of the following values:
- 0: unsigned integer.
- 1: signed integer.
- 2: floating point.
The function returns an integer that indicates whether the operation was successful or not (e.g. 0 for success, -1 for failure).
Example usage:
int result = set_channel_data_format(1, 16, 0);
if (result == 0) {
printf("Channel data format set successfully.\n");
} else {
printf("Error setting channel data format.\n");
__signed__ int
__signed__ int是C99引入的一个类型修饰符,用于声明有符号类型的整数变量。如果在int之前使用__signed__修饰符,则该变量将被声明为有符号类型。这与使用signed int是等价的。如果既未指定为signed也未指定为unsigned,默认情况下,int类型被认为是有符号类型。因此,__signed__ int a和int a是等价的。