Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0. 出错 stlread (第 46 行) x(:,i)=[ver1(1); ver2(1); ver3(1)]; % convert to matlab "patch" compatible format 出错 c3 (第 9 行) [F,V] = stlread('queen.stl');
时间: 2024-04-26 14:26:39 浏览: 192
这个错误提示是因为在 stlread 函数的第 46 行出现了数组下标越界的情况,也就是说你可能访问了一个不存在的数组元素。具体来说,可能是因为传递给 stlread 函数的 STL 文件格式不正确,或者 STL 文件中的数据格式与代码中的格式不匹配导致的。
建议你检查一下 STL 文件是否存在问题,或者尝试使用其他的 STL 文件进行测试。另外,也可以检查一下代码中的数组下标是否正确,确保不会出现越界的情况。
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 2.
This error message typically occurs when trying to access an element in an array using an index that is greater than the number of elements in the array. In this case, the index must not exceed 2, meaning that the array has either 1, 2, or 3 elements.
To resolve this error, you should check the size of the array and ensure that the index you are using to access it is within the bounds of the array. You can also use conditional statements to check the size of the array before accessing it to avoid this error.