扮演一名大四学生,讲解以下代码爬取了什么东西 def detail_parse(self, response): fields = response.meta['fields'] if '(.*?)' in '<p data-v-cc6b2756>厂商:(.*?)</p>': fields["changshang"] = re.findall(r'<p data-v-cc6b2756>厂商:(.*?)</p>', response.text, re.S)[0].strip() else: if 'changshang' != 'xiangqing' and 'changshang' != 'detail' and 'changshang' != 'pinglun': fields["changshang"] = self.remove_html(response.css('<p data-v-cc6b2756>厂商:(.*?)</p>').extract_first()) else: fields["changshang"] = emoji.demojize(response.css('<p data-v-cc6b2756>厂商:(.*?)</p>').extract_first()) if '(.*?)' in '<p data-v-cc6b2756>油耗:(.*?)</p>': fields["youhao"] = re.findall(r'<p data-v-cc6b2756>油耗:(.*?)</p>', response.text, re.S)[0].strip() else: if 'youhao' != 'xiangqing' and 'youhao' != 'detail' and 'youhao' != 'pinglun': fields["youhao"] = self.remove_html(response.css('<p data-v-cc6b2756>油耗:(.*?)</p>').extract_first()) else: fields["youhao"] = emoji.demojize(response.css('<p data-v-cc6b2756>油耗:(.*?)</p>').extract_first()) if '(.*?)' in '<p data-v-cc6b2756>排量:(.*?)</p>': fields["pailiang"] = re.findall(r'<p data-v-cc6b2756>排量:(.*?)</p>', response.text, re.S)[0].strip() else: if 'pailiang' != 'xiangqing' and 'pailiang' != 'detail' and 'pailiang' != 'pinglun': fields["pailiang"] = self.remove_html(response.css('<p data-v-cc6b2756>排量:(.*?)</p>').extract_first()) else: fields["pailiang"] = emoji.demojize(response.css('<p data-v-cc6b2756>排量:(.*?)</p>').extract_first()) return fields
时间: 2023-06-16 15:03:22 浏览: 143
首先,代码通过 response.meta['fields'] 获取要爬取的字段信息。然后,分别判断每个字段是否在网页中存在,如果存在,就使用正则表达式获取该字段的值,并将其添加到 fields 字典中。如果该字段不存在,代码会执行 else 语句,使用 remove_html 函数或者 emoji.demojize 函数将该字段的值清洗,并将其添加到 fields 字典中。
最后,函数返回 fields 字典,其中包含了厂商、油耗和排量等信息。
def get_argparser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
Sorry, as an AI language model, I don't have access to the previous context or the purpose of the function you shared. But based on the function signature, it seems like this is a Python function that returns an instance of the `ArgumentParser` class from the `argparse` module. The purpose of this class is to create a parser object that can parse command-line arguments and options.
Here's an example usage of the `ArgumentParser` class:
import argparse
def get_argparser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--name', help='Enter your name')
parser.add_argument('--age', type=int, help='Enter your age')
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = get_argparser()
args = parser.parse_args()
print(f"Hello {args.name}, you are {args.age} years old!")
In the above example, the `get_argparser()` function creates an instance of the `ArgumentParser` class and adds two arguments to it - `name` and `age`. The `parse_args()` method of the parser object is then called to parse the command-line arguments and options. Finally, the values of the `name` and `age` arguments are printed using the `print()` function.
def main(self): start_response = self.get_response(url=self.start_url) self.parse_start_url(response=start_response) [pool.submit(self.parse_book_info, self.queue.get()) for i in range(self.queue.qsize())]