我要用上诉代码运行canonical_correlation_test(r = ca1$cor,n=31,p = 4,q = 4),如何修改代码
时间: 2024-03-10 14:48:00 浏览: 171
canonical_correlation_test <- function(r, n, p, q, alpha) {
# Calculate test statistic
t_stat <- (n - p - 1 - q - 1) / (1 - r^2)^(1/2)
# Find critical value
df <- (p + q - 2)
t_crit <- qt(1 - alpha/2, df)
# Compare test statistic with critical value
if (t_stat > t_crit) {
log_canonical_vars <- log(cancor(x, y)$xcoef)
} else {
canonical_correlation_test(r = ca1$cor, n = 31, p = 4, q = 4, alpha = 0.05)
// Authorization: <schema> <token> $url_parts = parse_url($url); $canonical_url = ($url_parts['path'] . (!empty($url_parts['query']) ? "?${url_parts['query']}" : "")); $message = $http_method."\n". $canonical_url."\n". $timestamp."\n". $nonce."\n". $body."\n"; openssl_sign($message, $raw_sign, $mch_private_key, 'sha256WithRSAEncryption'); $sign = base64_encode($raw_sign); $schema = 'WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048'; $token = sprintf('mchid="%s",nonce_str="%s",timestamp="%d",serial_no="%s",signature="%s"', $merchant_id, $nonce, $timestamp, $serial_no, $sign);
找出几个(至少两个)典型学生,并分析这些学生的成绩与主成分系数的关系。test<-read.table("D:/R/R Code/5/Chap7/test_score.csv", sep=",", header=T) (R<-round(cor(test), 3)) # sample correlation matrix test_PCA<-princomp(test, cor=T) # sample PCA summary(test_PCA, loadings=T) test[c(6,7,45,30,49),] # typical students for the first PC test[c(26,33,8),] # typical students for the second PC # sample principal components of the typical students samplePC<-(round(test_PCA$scores,3))[c(6,7,45,30,49,26,33,8),] rownames(samplePC)<-c(6,7,45,30,49,26,33,8) samplePC # another way to obtain the sample principal components samplePC2<-round(predict(test_PCA),3) [c(6,7,45,30,49,26,33,8),] rownames(samplePC2)<-c(6,7,45,30,49,26,33,8) samplePC2 screeplot (test_PCA, type="lines") # scree graph ### Canonical correlation health<-read.table("D:/R/R Code/5/Chap7/health.csv",sep=",", header=T) (R<-round(cor(health),3)) R11=R[1:3,1:3] R12=R[1:3,4:6] R21=R[4:6,1:3] R22=R[4:6,4:6] A<-solve(R11)%%R12%%solve(R22)%*%R21 # matrix for the first group Y1,Y2,Y3 ev<-eigen(A)$values # common eigenvalues of both groups round(sqrt(ev),3) # the canonical correlations health.std=scale(health) # standardize the original data ca=cancor(health.std[,1:3],health.std[,4:6]) # canonical correlation analysis via R ca$cor # canonical correlations ca$xcoef # the loadings (coefficients) of the first group ca$ycoef # the loadings (coefficients) of the second group
根据代码中输出的 samplePC 和 samplePC2,我们可以找出一些典型学生,比如学生 6、7、45 和 49 在第一主成分上的得分比较高,而学生 26、33 和 8 在第二主成分上的得分比较高。
我们可以进一步分析这些典型学生的成绩与主成分系数的关系。比如,对于学生 6,在第一主成分上得分较高,我们可以查看他的具体成绩和每个指标在第一主成分上的系数。如果某个指标在第一主成分上的系数较大,说明该指标对于该学生在第一主成分上得高分有较大的贡献。类似地,我们也可以分析其他典型学生在不同主成分上的得分与指标之间的关系。