priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, greater<pair<int, int>>> pq
时间: 2023-12-17 13:02:30 浏览: 134
This is a declaration of a priority queue in C++ that stores pairs of integers. The priority queue is implemented using a min-heap, which means that the smallest element will have the highest priority. The first integer in the pair is the priority and the second integer is the value.
The syntax for declaring a priority queue in C++ is:
priority_queue<data_type, container_type, comparison_function>
In this case, the data type is a pair of integers (pair<int, int>), the container type is a vector (vector<pair<int, int>>), and the comparison function is the default less-than operator (>).
However, in order to implement a min-heap, we need to use the greater-than operator (<) instead. So we pass greater<pair<int, int>> as the comparison function.
Overall, this priority queue will store pairs of integers in ascending order of their first element. If two pairs have the same first element, then they will be ordered based on their second element in ascending order as well.