egret.SpriteSheet 没有addTexture这个方法
时间: 2024-02-03 18:03:36 浏览: 94
非常抱歉,我的回答有误。您说得对,Egret中的SpriteSheet确实没有addTexture方法。正确的方法是使用 `createTexture()` 方法创建小图,然后使用 `sheet.textures` 属性将所有小图添加到 `SpriteSheet` 对象中。例如:
let texture: egret.Texture = RES.getRes("image_json.image_png");
let sheet: egret.SpriteSheet = new egret.SpriteSheet(texture);
let texture1: egret.Texture = sheet.createTexture("image_name1", x1, y1, width1, height1);
let texture2: egret.Texture = sheet.createTexture("image_name2", x2, y2, width2, height2);
sheet.textures["image_name1"] = texture1;
sheet.textures["image_name2"] = texture2;
这将创建名为 "image_name1" 和 "image_name2" 的两个纹理并将它们添加到 `SpriteSheet` 对象中。
Egret.setInterval is a method in the Egret framework that allows you to execute a function repeatedly with a specified time interval. It is commonly used for creating animations or running tasks at regular intervals. The basic syntax for using Egret.setInterval is as follows:
egret.setInterval(callback: Function, thisObject: any, delay: number): number
- `callback`: The function to be executed at each interval.
- `thisObject`: The object to which the "this" keyword refers to inside the callback function (optional).
- `delay`: The time interval (in milliseconds) between each execution of the callback function.
The method returns a unique identifier (number) that can be used to clear the interval later using the `egret.clearInterval` method.
Here's an example usage of Egret.setInterval:
let intervalId = egret.setInterval(() => {
console.log("Executing callback function");
}, this, 1000);
In this example, the callback function will be executed every 1000 milliseconds (1 second). The `this` keyword refers to the current object. The `intervalId` can be later used to clear the interval if needed using `egret.clearInterval(intervalId)`.
egret 如何实现动态合图
Egret 中可以使用 `egret.SpriteSheet` 类来实现动态合图。动态合图是将多张小图合成一张大图,可以减少图片加载次数和提高游戏性能。
1. 创建一个 `egret.SpriteSheet` 对象。
2. 使用 `egret.SpriteSheet` 的 `createTexture()` 方法创建多个小图。
3. 将小图添加到 `egret.SpriteSheet` 对象中。
4. 使用 `egret.SpriteSheet` 的 `getTexture()` 方法获取合并后的大图中的小图纹理。
// 创建一个 SpriteSheet 对象
var spriteSheet: egret.SpriteSheet = new egret.SpriteSheet(RES.getRes("texture_png"));
// 创建小图
var texture1: egret.Texture = spriteSheet.createTexture("texture1", x1, y1, width1, height1);
var texture2: egret.Texture = spriteSheet.createTexture("texture2", x2, y2, width2, height2);
// 将小图添加到 SpriteSheet 对象中
// 获取合并后的大图中的小图纹理
var texture: egret.Texture = spriteSheet.getTexture("texture1");