*(unsigned int*)0x40010C0C &=~(1<<0);
时间: 2024-04-05 12:21:37 浏览: 90
This is a memory access operation that casts the hexadecimal value 0x40010C0C as an unsigned integer pointer and dereferences it to access the contents of the memory location it points to. The actual value stored at this memory location depends on the specific system and context in which this operation is being performed.
RCC->APB1ENR &= ~(u32)(0X1<<0);里面的u32什么意思
u32是一个数据类型,它是无符号32位整型的缩写,通常被定义为typedef unsigned int u32;。在这段代码中,(u32)(0X1<<0)表示将二进制数00000001左移0位并强制类型转换为32位无符号整型,即0x00000001。这样可以保证操作数是一个32位无符号整数,从而确保该操作的正确性和可移植性。
volatile unsigned int *p = (volatile unsigned int *)0x50000A28; *p = *p | (0x1 << 4);是什么意思
这段代码的意思是将地址为0x50000A28的内存位置的值进行按位或运算,并将结果赋值给该内存位置。具体地,它使用位操作将该内存位置的第4位(从右往左数)设置为1。由于指针被声明为volatile unsigned int类型,这意味着编译器不会对该指针所指向的内存位置进行优化,以确保对该内存位置的读写操作是可见且按照预期进行的。