SELECT TO_DATE(A.LINEID,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') FROM WRT_MNTRW_MATERIALSTOCK A WHERE 1=1 AND MATERIALTYPE='叫料系统' QL 错误 [1810] [22008]: ORA-01810: 格式代码出现两次 Error position: line: 7 pos: 28
时间: 2024-04-08 11:36:20 浏览: 98
根据您提供的 SQL 查询语句和错误信息,可以看出出现了ORA-01810错误,即格式代码出现了两次。这个错误通常是由于日期格式字符串中的格式代码重复导致的。根据您的查询语句,您正在尝试将 A.LINEID 列转换为日期格式,并使用 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' 作为格式字符串。
请确保您的格式字符串中没有重复的格式代码。在您的情况下,可能是 'yyyy'、'MM'、'dd'、'HH'、'mm'、'ss' 中的一个或多个被重复使用了。请检查您的查询语句并确认格式字符串中的格式代码是否正确且没有重复。
<select id="selectAll" resultMap="tblTicketCardDistributionMap"> select * from TBL_TICKET_CARD_DISTRIBUTION <where> <choose> <when test="query.orderType != null and query.orderType != '' and query.orderType =='03'"> and ORDER_TYPE = #{query.orderType} and ( <if test="query.inStationId != null and query.inStationId != '' "> IN_STATION_ID = #{query.inStationId} </if> <if test="query.outStationId != null and query.outStationId != '' "> or OUT_STATION_ID = #{query.outStationId} </if> ) </when> <otherwise> <if test="query.orderType != null and query.orderType != '' "> and ORDER_TYPE = #{query.orderType} </if> <if test="query.inStationId != null and query.inStationId != '' "> and IN_STATION_ID = #{query.inStationId} </if> <if test="query.outStationId != null and query.outStationId != '' "> or OUT_STATION_ID = #{query.outStationId} </if> </otherwise> </choose> <if test="query.lineId != null and query.lineId != '' "> and LINE_ID = #{query.lineId} </if> <if test="query.stationId != null and query.stationId != '' "> and STATION_ID = #{query.stationId} </if> <if test="query.operatorId != null and query.operatorId != '' "> and OPERATOR_ID = #{query.operatorId} </if> <if test="query.curDay != null and query.curDay != '' "> and CUR_DAY = #{query.curDay} </if> <if test="query.beginTime != null and query.beginTime != '' "> and OPERATE_TIME between #{query.beginTime} and #{query.endTime} </if> </where> </select>报错语法有问题,修改正确的
<when test="query.orderType != null and query.orderType != '' and query.orderType =='03'">
and ORDER_TYPE = #{query.orderType} and (
${query.inStationId != null and query.inStationId != '' ? 'IN_STATION_ID = #{query.inStationId}' : ''}
${query.outStationId != null and query.outStationId != '' ? ' or OUT_STATION_ID = #{query.outStationId}' : ''}
Select DISTINCT StationID,StationName from conf_station WHERE LineID = 1;用sqlsugar实现
using SqlSugar;
// ...
var stationRepository = new Repository<Conf_Station>(db); // 假设Conf_Station是你数据表的命名空间和类名
var result = stationRepository.SqlQuery StationsTable => // 使用匿名类型表示结果
return StationsTable
.Where(r => r.LineID == 1) // 过滤LineID为1的记录
.Select(r => new { StationID = r.StationID, StationName = r.StationName }) // 只选择StationID和StationName字段
.Distinct(); // 获取唯一值